The clydesdale stood 18 hands tall, from shoe to withers, his coat an abyssal black with white socks on all four legs that faded into the black at the first joint.
Adolescent, Adult, Adult Content, Anthro, Bestiality, Bizarre, Consensual, Couple, Drama, Emotion, Emotional, Erotic, Extreme, Extreme Content, Fantasy, Female, Feral, First Person, Friendship, Innocence, Intro, Kinky, Love, Lust, Magic, Male, Passion, Relationships, Role Reversal, Romance, Second Person, Secret Love, Seduction, Seductive, Sex, Short Story, Shy, Stallion, Story, Story Progression, Straight, Temptation, Winter, Zoo, Zoophilia
The man aged and withered as time wore on. his mechanical support slowly decreased in size, but soon, after, he received larger and larger augments to support his withered and ancient body.
Alternate Society, Blood, Gore, Military, Ocelot, Power Armor, Violence (Not In Yiff), War, Wolf
His withers looked to be close to 16 hands high, which was taller than most of the horses in these parts.
Horse, M/M, Non-Anthro, Stallion
The door withered away into nothing. the dust entered his room. he cried and yipped, fearing he would too disappear along with the house. he howled and whined his name again. no avail.
Magic, coming of age, reality altering
The butterfly landed on a nearby petal of a flower and momentarily withered, the state of decay becoming too advanced for its frail body to withstand it.
Character Development, Cheetah, Clean, Dragon, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Legend Of Spyro, Plot Development, Story, Story Progression, Story Series
He nipped nandag's withers as he grew closer, squeezing in every last inch he could and scooting his hooves closer to put more power into his thrusts.
Amethyst Mare, Ball Growth, Beastiality, Breeding, Cock Growth, Commission, Cunnilingus, Decorative, Deep Penetration, Equine, Fantasy, Feral, Filly, Flagging, Forest, Horse, Horse Cock, Impregnation, Jewellery, Licking, Love, Lust, M/F, Mare, Mate, Mating, Mounting, Multiple partners, Outdoors, Plot Development, Relationship, Romance, Stallion, Story, Story Series, Udder play, Unicorn, Vaginal, Voyeurism, Winking, Zoophilia, udders
You may be content to shamble through these halls as you wither, but my mind sought to actively find our ascension."
Anthropomorphic, Betrayal, Dark, Dragon, Fantasy, Feral, Gay Relationships, Gryphon, Love, Mind Control, Romance, Violence, arcane
He nipped nandag's withers as he grew closer, squeezing in every last inch he could and scooting his hooves closer to put more power into his thrusts.
Amethyst Mare, Arian Mabe, Ball Growth, Bestiality, Breeding, Cock Growth, Commission, Cum, Cunnilingus, Decorative, Deep Penetration, Equine, Exhibitionim, Female led, Feral, Feral X Feral, Feral sex, Filly, Forest, Genital enlargment, Harness, Horse, Horse Cock, Impregnating, Impregnation, Jewellery, Licking, Love, Lust, M/F, Magic, Magic play, Mare, Mate, Mating, Mounting, Multiple partners, Non-Anthro, Oral, Orgy, Outdoors, Plot Development, Potion, Public, Stallion, Story, Story Series, Tease, Teasing, Udder, Udder play, Unicorn, Vaginal, Vaginal Sex, Voyeurism, Winking, Zoophilia, exhibitionist, flirt, flirting, plot, udders, voyeur
She looked like a walking ruin, as if her body was dying together with the fortress, yet he knew better, he knew what caused her scales to wither.
it was him.
Character Development, Clean, Cynder, Dark, Dragon, Dragoness, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Horror, Legend Of Spyro, Plot Development, Spyro, Story Progression, Story Series
Further words were not needed as the lustful stallion nipped her withers, scraping his teeth very lightly down her neck: an equine love-nip.
Amethyst Mare, Anatomically Correct, Apple Jack, Arian Mabe, Bestiality, Bisexual, Blowjob, Breeding, Commission, Cunnilinugs, Drama, Earth pony, Equine, Exhibitionism, Fancy Pants, Female led, Feral, Final chapter, Fleur de Lis, Horse, Implied f/f, Lesbian, Licking, Light D/S, Lingerie, Love, Lust, M/F, MLP, Mare, Multiple partners, My Little Pony, Non-Anthro, Novella, OC, Oral, Orgy, Pegasus, Plot Development, Pony, Princess, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Public, Rarity, Romance, Stallion, Story, Story Progression, Story Series, Straight, Teasing, Teat play, Udder play, Unicorn, Vaginal, Voyeurism, Zoophilia, alicorn, clothing, conflict, epilogue, exhibitionist, impregation, partner swapping, plot, promiscuous, slutty, sucking, swinging, teats, udders, voyeur
The young lion's searing through the withered teeth of his rival, and flashing through flesh and bone alike. his feet met the ground in time with the wave behind him.
Beach, Blood, Death, Feral, Fighting, Lion, Male, Ocean, sand, tide, water, waves
John shot wrex a withering glare. wrex was a friend, sure, but sometimes he needed to know when to shut his damn mouth. snout. whatever.
Alliance Navy, Asari Matriarchs, Commander Shepard, Commander Shepard Alliance Navy, Fetch Quest, John Shepard, Liara, Male Shepard, Mass Effect, funny, wrex