Merge - 09 - Results

The one that seemed to be the designated speaker - perhaps the taller one didn't speak english, or whatever other language matt could speak in ameranth? - addressed the husky again. "then we shall escort you out of our forest."

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 3 - Senor Gato

"listen, just because my name is male in some other language, doesn't [_make_ a guy." gatomon looked down to the hispanic rodent; she actually struggled to keep her temper in check.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 18: The Ram’s Tale

"that and a few other languages." he replied. "what did you say to him?" "i told him the truth, that you didn't mean any harm and that we were on a mission hunting a dangerous creature. i also asked if he had seen anything."

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There Is No Football Team At Vixen's Run High School Part 4

She didn't know any other languages, and li was so smart. toni wanted to be perfect for li, and knew that she wasn't as smart or as capable as he deserved. she was pretty, and that was all she was.

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Half-Blood Chapter L

"ian actually speaks hindi quite well, he speaks a few other languages as well given his duties. he might seem like a fool, but ian is quite bright when he wants to be. he just doesn't use that brain half the time."

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Chapter Twenty-Six: The Weight Of Implications

It was most effective with learning each other's languages, and spoken language was even traded before we woke up after experiencing the magic flux.

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The Biggest Mistake - Oneshot

Jaska could read the other languages, his father had apparently been from another region and he was the bastard child to his favourite prostitute and of course, jaska's mother still opened her legs to keep bread on the table, so jaska was always mature but

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Tails Up CH. 1

It's hard to learn other languages, i have to hear a lot before i can understand and speak it. but i can't read that language, only speak and understand." she said as if this was perfectly natural for her. "thank you." she ended her speech.

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Bigger Isn't Always Better

She flipped through books and unrolled scrolls, muttering to herself in french and some other language i couldn't identify.

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Arena, Chapter 1

"but isn't the ability to understand other languages a benefit?" syala patted nishara's hand and walked alongside her. "why would they give us an advantage if they simply want to kill us?"

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