Nova of the Multiverse
#5 of elite warriors the extra leader of the group of elite warriors. a nova is almost unheard of. no one knows how long they can live for. to become a nova...wait an immeasurably long amount of time. long enough that time will forget.
Lost Pokémon Episode 19: The Final Chapter.
Both trainers working hard to learn new skills and prepare for taking on the elite four.
Nightmare Company
Training with elite military units such as delta force, the 75th ranger regiment, jtf2, navy seals, and the sas, they are deployed in the most hostile combat zones and are equipped with the latest battlefield technology.
Rictus Cenotaph: Chapter 1 - Pilot
She ducked behind a rock, "sir, we have a group of elites approaching me, directly ahead." "how many do you see?" harwegh began, "and keep your voice down, the elites have good ears."
The Mook Maker, Chapter 44: Stalkers on the Boundary
Not even the 'ravagers' lasted against the five 'elites', and it was tama's fire that blinded me in an attempt to overcharge her own pyrokinesis.
In the Substance of It
It seemed whereas the dazzling plumes of the elite females were likely an attractive feature for elite males, with the brutes females might grow elaborate manes to attract a mate. even i had to admit, some of those fleecy manes looked pretty snuggly.
The Fall of the Rubberbirds
That meant that he robots had an ai that was learning; evolving on its own...even his elite guard and deathbeasts had been useless after just a few minutes of combat.
What Now?
The young hex maniac's end goal is to conquer the elite four using her four trained pokémon.
Chapter 2
The elite motioned for the bowmen to lower their bows then turned to the other elite and said, "retrieve the professor, quickly." "that shall not be necessary, as i am already here." every one turned in the direction of the voice.
The Ambassador part 1
Hiring an elite ambassador was expensive and clandestine, and failure would absolutely never occur; anything imaginable could be achieved by the ambassadors. it depended on, of course, which elite one hired.
The Adamant Scar's Retribution!
Upon application, each furry had to pass a drug test, which the elites and 3 of the other members passed. next was a cognitive response and acuity test. one of the elites, and all of the remaining non-elite units failed this exam.
"Stars & Bars" an Elite Trick Commission
Antoni hated elite number eight. this elite had been a constant pain in his ass for at least a year. "why the hell do i have to do this again?" the increasingly irritated fox grumbled into his microphone.