Alertnate end to Vixens Chapter 3
Alex smiled at the arctic fox "oh i see. want it a little rough tonight do we?" the pink fox blushed and nodded, tail wagging faster and cock begging for release as it pulsed hard against his pants.
Vixens chapter 1: The Lovers and the Fighters
Inside the 2 foxes had slowed their pace, having to move smarter, not faster. the plant seemed relatively deserted, most work done by machines.
Vixens chapter 2: Strange Findings
The red fox squeeled, pouncing his lover and skipping around his car. he felt like he could fly! in fact... he looked down at his feet, and in fact he was 4 feet off the ground "oh my god! greatest date eveeeeeeeeeeeer!"
I love my fennec vixen
I love my fennec vixen. by raven fox: a pilot loses his job after a landing accident and his girlfriend. he isolates himself from everybody becoming a hermit, unknown to him someone does care for him, an anthro fennec vixen.
For The Love Of A Vixen II: Keepeth No Record
I'm a lucky vixen." i froze as her lips worked their way up my neck to my right ear. "would you like to be lucky with me?" --- "ohh, jim!" the older vixen writhed on my lap as i kissed softly down the line of her jaw.
Dusty Tracks - Part 2 - The Vixen
Almost jumping out of her skin at the sudden contact she felt the fox's gentle paw on her chin turning her muzzle towards the fox's face. the fox's large triangular ears were pinned against her head, making her less threatening.
Vixens and Tigers and Bovines, Oh My!
The young fox said defensively, though his mother had her own retort.
How to Drain a Male Teenage Vixen
, the black fox exclaimed startledly, though he was already aroused again as the vixen underneath him played with herself.
Part One: A Dragon, A Vixen, and A Beginning
The vixen shivered in the frosty air of the early fall morning. it wasn't as hot as it had been during the summer. school had started almost a week ago, and she still hadn't brought herself to go.
A Vixen's Desires (Contains Adult Content)
The vixen soon caught up to him, still wanting more from the tiger as she realized what he was about to do.
a wolf and a vixen in love revised as a series
Just want to make one thing clear i own the rights to this story and i have revised it .blah blah anyway without any thing else to say i give you a wolf and a vixen in love chapter 1 it was a beautiful sunday morning ,and the young vixen was lying
The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen- Manic Monday
**tales of vyxsin the vixen** **just another manic monday** vyxsin sighed as she pulled up the handbrake on her car, staring at the diner where she worked.