Santamos Island: The Lottery Winner

Look at his feet go, like he's sprinting on a bicycle. wow! i bend over farther... what's this? something wet and warm around my cock? feels so good... distracting from the pain in my chest and throat, the swelling feeling in my head...

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One door closes...

Overhead an upside down modified bicycle travels across a wire, "he's a cutey, though very shy. raised pentecostal, one of the old christian beliefs, very strict about swearing, gambling, and drinking.

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A New Home

Perking his ears and looking around he saw a young badger riding a bicycle. he heard the cub greeting a certain mr. richardson, and after hearing his master return the greeting, he figured that richardson must be his master's surname.

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Mona's new life Chapter 1

Her hands met at the back of his head as chase moved to remove her bicycle shorts. he was happy to see that she had forgotten her panties when dressing that morning.

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Beach Day

"bicycle..." "same here. it's only a fifteen minute ride from here and it's not even noon yet. hell, it's probably not even eleven. we have plenty of time." joy thought, "do you have them with you?"

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I decided to help the poor bunny out - both for his sake (the sand was warm on my shod hooves), and those passing by (even going slowly, a bicycle tire in the crotch can ruin one's day)...

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Zahame's First Time

Zahame and his sister nahia rode their bicycles to school every morning. they rode together, because nahia was sixteen and could look after her little brother and make sure he was safe.

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Unknown Worlds: OutWhirls

No, not that car breaking or bicycle breaking that you readers have in the real world. i mean breaking in mid flight. try watching a few summer birds who do this and you will see what i mean. landing onto the ground.

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A Shark's Weakness

Those digits left trails of warm pleasure all over her face, and elly, losing all restraint, slid her fingers under the hem of her bicycle shorts. her panties already had a spreading wet spot. she touched herself through the fabric and moaned.

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Quetza's Quest: Chapters 4-6

Her curves and swinging hips were quite sexually-suggestive, and her proclamations of wanting to ride her bicycle suggested she had been the source of the singing.

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A Stitch in Time

Ewan goes to hayley's house to tune her bicycle, and winds up getting more than he originally bargained for. enjoy! :) if there was one thing that irked ewan rickard, it was a rider who neglected to maintain their equipment.

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This Charming Klee Kai

V=jcnpalqqvss a fox trudged up the hillside with his bicycle beside him, the mode of transportation rendered useless by some sod's careless littering. a broken glass bottle. a nail, maybe.

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