Café Plaisir: Sibling Shenanigans-Chapter 2
Aiden said to the espeon. dia gulped in the presence of the male...he was huge!
It's the Thought that Counts
The espeon sighed pleasantly.
Immorality - Damage limitation
"what a cute espeon you have!" she reached under his head and began scritching the pokémons chin. "see?" the espeon taunted "even i get more affection from human girls than you."
Primrose Valley: What's Xmas
He knew better than to try to talk to the espeon about clothing.
A Silver Resistance Lemon Story
Soon, char found himself lying on his back, with an espeon atop his form, lovingly licking his chest. "goodness, eva... i guess there's no stopping you," he said in a whisper.
Arc 1 - Ephraim - 3: The Offer
The espeon smiled then, his split tail dancing back and forth and ephraim's eyes grew wide as he heard that voice echoing in his head: _you are in vasil-tor, the village of the eevee kindred.
Electric Touch: Chapter 26 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
"he's fine espeon, but you are still worried for him aren't you?" raichu said, looking at espeon with a comfortable look. "i have to say i'm really worried, and i don't think he is okay." espeon said with concern.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 13
The umbreon turned to see an espeon lying a short distance away. "why should i?" "because his past doesn't concern you." the espeon got up and walked off to separate two eevee whose fight was getting a little too intense.
Opening The Mind of a Psychic v1.1
"well, espeon, that was, um..." remembering that she had no parents of her own to teach her this stuff, i decided to explain it to her as simply as i could.
Luna and Thief Ch: 15
The espeon went to stand "just me... there's something i need to do..." "absol" "no...
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Mystic Remnants - Chapter Eight
Enzlo pondered, "and now i understand why the espeon interrupted you earlier.
They both got up and dashed into the room the espeon pointed the camera around filming the martian control room then remembered something with a gulp.