[COM-29] For His Foxi
The subtle squeeze of his touch and his hands wrapped around her thighs felt like a bite from a dragon.
Walls: Exodus 24 - The Planetary Disciples
It was a subtle insult, but it seemed to have quite an effect.
Musk Stream Story 4: Couple at the Cart
The humans looked nice enough, he thought, though after so long with all the different creatures wonders could make, it was hard for him to differentiate the subtle differences between humans anymore.
Elsie's New Pet
One was flipped so the pair made a subtle heart shape. elsie of course took the time to run her paws through the fur on this side as well. it was naturally longer on this side, all the more to delight in playing with.
Pillar of Lust
With subtle movements, the giant moved his tip beneath me. i plunged inside. immediately, the world became dark, hot, humid, and overwhelmingly musky.
Extra Matters 02 - Good Morning Desmond (STORY)
Even when asleep she was not subtle, but he finally understood what simon had meant and a flow of embarrassement filled his face. _why couldn't i have figured out that's what he meant._.
Secret Love Part 3 - Memories past
"i don't know, i never had one" i said, making a subtle bad joke. "would you mind giving me one?" he asked, smiling as best he could.
[SNEAK PEEK} Pitfall Jellies : A Primer
subtle pheromones will guide potential prey towards it, and they are often completely unwitting - as this particular subject was. note how the large, muscular mouse is buried up to his mid-section in the supplied imagery.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 36)
Although a more subtle carnivore might make several small trips to the sectpro aisle throughout the month, molly is not subtle. she stocks up an entire month's worth of bugs in one go. mortifying. "and you, are, it!"
Bathroom Break
He could help but notice the hungry look in her eyes, and pick up a subtle, musky scent partially masked by his own piss. the attention, her attention, had another fluid rushing through his cock.
Eating Sky
He ate the skymin in a refined manner, appreciating his food as best he could, slowly and carefully with full regard for the subtle flavors and textures, savoring every aspect in the simple delightful pleasure of eating.
Twinks Across America: Ch. 37 - Kentucky
subtle hint, i felt.