The Deer Trance

Small and fragile. he figured if the deer liked him, he liked him back. austin rested his head on the deer's neck. showing affection and that he was his to take, his tail also thumped against his butt in joy.

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Make Room

There wasn't anything dangerous or fragile stored behind it. there was only another three meters of decking, ending in a wall of large ducts and ubiquitous access panels, none of which were for critical systems.

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Tactical Insertion

She'd been born incredibly fragile genetically, likely to die to before she reached her teenage years, but with an inborn connection to the psionic potential of the human brain never before seen.

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The Human Species Ch.95x - Grade School Reminiscence

Lugia saw her body looking fragile and helpless like always, her fetus-like appearance making her appear to have left the womb too early.

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Rare: The Meeting

The dragon shifted the fragile girl back to his warm belly, his skin fiery to the touch. his head curled around so his snout touched to her belly. lastly his tail curled around and slid itself around her waist.

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The First Human

John made it a goal to push the muzzle of his pulse gun deep into their maws before squeezing the trigger or at least aiming so the blue pulse of heated plasma would burst their fragile heads.

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The reluctant steward: tomorrow never knows

The assassin landed with an "uff" and quickly as his training dictated kicked me in those damn genitals of mine and wedged a thin but long needle across one of those fragile arteries this body seemed to be riddled with.

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Stopping Dragonien

Cars, trucks, busses, and vehicles of all kinds were subject to most of the same problem as they, too, were easily trampled into the fragile asphalt.

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Everything You Need 2: CUM

Renamon said to the fragile female soothingly while she carefully grasped the diaper from the ground and brought it to the base of the female's tummy, holding it within the curve of her large, powerful arm.

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Gray - 6. The Sound of Silence

He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, calming himself down once again, reminding himself of the fragile state the young rabbit was in, and that he needed support. he plucked up the courage and entered the darkened apartment.

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Playing God Part 6: Unfinished Business (Vore)

Even from a cafe table across the other side of the park, he could see her vibrant eyes of emerald, so exquisitely fragile and delicate.

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