Readership, Part 1
Flashing across his mind came the sensation that the symbols on the card had run away, vanished out of fear.
Spirit Bound: Chapter 119
I can dispel the symbol without damaging dad's phone, and that's what i was going to do after practicing the spell and testing it on the phone to make sure it works, but let's throw dad's _new_ symbol in there."
U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 15
He placed each person in front of a symbol and when everyone was around the circle he clapped his claws together and walked in front of the only free symbol, the most ornate symbol out of all of them. "just stand there," dameon said.
The Summer of a life time: Chapter 5 - The Fire Festival
The same symbol, it's not chance, just true love."
The Rush for the Key:Intro
At the edge of the town was a giant crystal wall with slithering blood red symbols the wrapped and wormed around it changeing patterns once every few minutes.
The Rubber Shaft Invasion
Upon the new drone's stomach a biohazard symbol formed, the words goma-02 forming on each of his forelegs.
This is another fine kettle of fish Pt1
"why do you think the ranking system, the ^ symbol, is increased every time you go up a rank on our planet?" "i've no idea.why?" "that symbol used to be a famous religious symbol signifying aggression and manhood, known as the blade symbol.
Academ: Morning Goodbyes
I wonder what invoking the symbol with my ink would do?" though the meaning was clear, mara asked while letting out a shuddering groan, "what do you mean by symbol?
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 39
She was able to give us our chest symbols then trained us in kinetics from the moment each of us came to live with her. then, a little over a year ago, she gathered us together and brought us here..."
We are not symbolic of a perfect race. we are symbolic of a failure, a race that destroys the world that we inhabit, a race that cannot care for other emotions. selfish, needy and constantly begging for more, we are the downfall.
Battle Master (Ch 1 Teaser)
There was no reason for the symbols to create any degree of illumination unless-- baedyn quickly scrambled up to his feet when he saw the glow intensify.
Amaterasu is shamed...
.** **soon, amaterasu's butt is covered in symbols of shame. the commander flies down and says, "you have paid the price. those symbols will wear off soon, as i know you will get much praise from the slaying of orochi.