The Book of Dragon Spells
The trio was too busy to notice how soaked they were with sweat; the experience having been incredibly pleasurable but also exhausting for them.
The Witch and the Pantry
Siffera and screa squeezed around her and filled the remaining floorspace, and the trio resumed their meals where they left off.
Belial: Spoils of Victory
The trio of sisters shudder briefly. jekta's middle head blinks, then opens hir eyes, now a bright purple. the trio takes a few synchronized steps, the center head looks at tyse, shi speaks using kitha's voice. "i can feel everything!
Blur of Humanity: Serpentine Sssluts
Tyler stayed behind kyle, kale following behind his two friends, the trio knew that weapons were useless against the anthros.
Lyonesse, Prologue
Asked one of the trio of imps dangling from the ceiling. one of them had a bag of chips, chewing on them nosily. "whatcha talkin' about?" "a trio of humans have begun to take an interest in us." "just kill them, then."
Poke-Digi Pleasure Part 2
A few minutes later, the trio were back at takato's apartment and were enjoying a few slices of bread when takato asked, "so how do you know infernape?" "he is my best friend and i got him into the stuff he did to you two." said lucario.
Red's Interesting Day Part 3
From the list of related videos the trio finds more funny animal videos and the cycle starts again. this goes on for a while, the boys hopping from video to video and laughing themselves hoarse.
Sonic, Shadow y Amy: Un trio de aventuras
**Cap 1: El comienzo del caos** Una mañana, Sonic estaba corriendo (valga la novedad) con Shadow en Green Hill, hasta que misteriosamente Sonic se detiene, y se muestra agitado, lo cual Shadow se da cuenta que algo andaba pasándole a Sonic. Shadow:...
Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 2
Listening to the best of their abilities, the trio could make out a commotion by the road. darren glanced downwards towards the edge of the clearing.
Shattered Freedom, Chapter Ten
Rake asked hugging onto rimfire's middle.the trio of mice glanced at each other, smiled they replied in tandem.
Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 10
Were they watching our trio when they finally expressed their intimacy for one another physically? zamdor is missing? how could a bull as big as him go missing!? the trio watched the last of the fireworks, before coming down the building.
An Evening Out
In the silence each member of the trio contemplated on various possibilities for later that night, the wait for dessert seeming to take forever.