Deceiver of the gods ,eyes of the wolf

When he got out there,there he saw bunnymund sitting there and looking in the district then patterson looked around but no one was there but bunnymund.then he grunted and walk to him.when he approached to him he saw him asleep.then patterson rolled his eyes

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A Renegade Reborn - 11 - Welcome Home

there's refugee status. if anyone qualifies, it's this group. i'm sure there's space for people across the whole network. there's always stuff happening in the subnet and beyond, and people coming into the network.

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(CYOA) Look outside

there hanging different weapons on the wall, some with stains that looks like blood. on another wall, there's handing a big map of the village. on a bureau under it, there's laying a logbook.

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Non-Traditional Clothing (2/3)

He let out a moan as he felt a pair of spandex-covered hands rubbing against his body underneath his clothing even though there was no one there.

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The Devil May Care 12

there wasn't anything good to be found there, that was for sure. christ on earth meant that there were other things in motion, and perhaps more than just the fact that she was trying to turn him good.

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 11

You guys only experienced what your physical senses allow you to...when you're fully in that world, there's no solid ground, there's no air or anything there, yet things exist.

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Mystery of the Murdered Workers - Chapter II

there was a draft coming up from there and it was clean, so there were no bodies down below. i had seen that part of the building coming up the hill.

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SYBT: Bovines in the Breakroom

there bodies swelled with muscle toned and ready to be used. there bodies grew upward as they dropped to there knees to continue suckling from there heifer.

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holiday PT2

You want to go in there and see adults getting it on?!

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 3

Still, there might be something there - hey, i think i see some buildings out there. maybe it's a bazaar! j) swamp. ick! mud!

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To protect life - Chapter 1, A GHOSTLY BOY

Porkchop scattered the place but there was no trace of that pink furred boy, where was he? "there is no one here." the boar says. there are several part of this job that he must get used to... getting soaped in closed places....

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Day 43 8:04 AM 1/5/2023-Chapter 12-Mountian City Massacare

there was so much brass on the ground that there had to have been a huge firefight here, recently. at the edge of town, there was a train station with a passenger train sitting there.

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