Ladies in Black

"but before we announce the results of our competition, our esteemed panel of judges have asked," his voice grew strained, "_me_," another mop of his brow, "to remind everyone of the rules of this competition!"

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Top to Bottom

Now, his competitive fire had been rekindled. it was consuming him. he didn't want to win.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 7

Kai nodded slowly to the collie's back, making a mental note to get a better body wash once this competition wrapped up. he finished first, the last competition, and managed to be first in the qualifiers, so he was dropping in last today.

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Marge the Barge

If lizzie wanted proof that marge wouldn't quit, what better proof was there than signing up for the single skaters competition? if there was still time... today was the last day of the single skaters competition.

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Sluggish Reactions [Slug Naga TF] (Trade)

Anyways, here's the story: it was the beginning of spring, early in the afternoon the warm sun beat down on the field, as many people prepared for the upcoming track and field competition.

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Slithering Sabotage (Patron Reward)

The competition was going to start in a couple of hours, but soona mae had been lying down for the better part of an hour. her competitors were probably all stressing out and overdoing their warmups.

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Jafar vs. Nagasiti 1

"i am nagisiti, and i am the new champion of this competition, and of the entire cosmos!

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Here's to Hoping

He'd enlisted in a german program in his school, and did fairly well, but about half way through the first semester the class, he'd gone with a chosen few to district wide competition for the language.


Squirrel Sutra

"not to jinx it, but she's been landing very well in the competition so far ... " irene held her breath.

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Chapter 26 - Sing For Your Supper.

"so, you're looking to make a few bucks at a talent competition?" says jack. i turn around and nod gently. "i had money back... where i came from. i need to start on priorities."


Beachside Anthologies Vol 3

But furfrou were naturally vain pokemon, and inclined towards competition. when he'd come to her with a competition pamphlet clutched in his mouth, she had rolled her eyes and taken it. "open to all canine pokemon," it had read.

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Electric Touch: Chapter 25 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

I heard that the cubs had a competition today? did you have fun, eevee?" "yeah! it was fun" he replied as he rubbed against her. espeon laughed a bit at the circumstance and then smiled slightly.

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