When it all goes wrong... Pt2
Felicia shrieked, her voice changing pitch, and the ground heaved as one of the spirits was suddenly imprisoned in a web of leafy plants, which were glowing.
Door Knocker(s) II
They had always been a sensitive part of her body but since her imprisonment they had become two buttons of heat and pleasure.
Shattered Shards: Devil's Domain I
It would likely take her decades to gather the strength she had before her imprisonment, but her smaller and less useful tail was better than having none at all.
My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever 14: Imprisoned
#14 of my hero and me: my greatest adventure ever chapter 14: imprisoned in the dusk of early morning, president bush, weary and tired, has looked out on to the streets of town from the front window of the oval office.
Change of Perspective Page 17
"You can't pull the plug on the project now!" Exclaims Rheme as she stands before Xenari who has her back turned to her. Xenari has her hands behind her back looking at a screen of information, "We've lost over a half a dozen men, two out of six of...
Change of Perspective Page 14
"What do I do now? How do we escape?" Azreith inquires. "I am still processing ways to do that," Kirisha replies as she is pushed into the room by her two guards who step aside to let the towering geth prime enter the room. "Platform...
Change of Perspective Page 13
"Let me go! Unhand me this instant!" exclaims Azreith as he struggles in the geth's grasp, his feet dragging along the metal surface of the ship. His voice echoing down the halls as the doors automatically shut behind him with a metallic whirl and a...
Change of Perspective Page 12
Tiius tenses, his mind commands his hand to press the trigger but nothing happens. His mind screaming out as he sees through the scope as shock hits his system as a blade held by a hunter geth as is driven it down into the turian's back severing his...
Change of Perspective Page 11
"Hold your fire!" yells Azreith as two slugs hit and penetrate Kirisha's back. Kirisha tenses as her internal sensors inform her of the damage, her external communication equipment becoming damaged in the process, "Hold your fire or you'll hit me damn...
Change of Perspective Page 10
Azreith heart skipped a beat as he looked his gaze on the geth before him. His hair stood on end as his eyes locked onto the glowing light of the geth's head. He heard the geth 'speech' a quick noise that he couldn't comprehend but could recognize...
Captain Darius Hudson - Expedition One -
Captain Danirus Hudson Expedition One Chapter One © Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd July, 2019 All Rights Reserved. Captain Danirus unconscious form was lashed to a large branch by the ankles and paws, before being carried down the mountain on a secretive...
The Good Days
If only me and cosmi had better vibes maybe i could get close to him,but when i try she glares at me as if im a imprisoned criminal.\*sighs\*oh well i guess it's not time. john noticed i was deep in thought,"what's wrong?" "nothing!"