Young Love - Chapter 5
Young Love Chapter 5: In the Process By: Mirron Tenshi Two young lovers approach a house hand in hand after a long day in school. A red fox was unlocking a door with a light brown and white husky nuzzling his neck lovingly, making the fox...
Encounter With a Human, pt 3
They never did see the boy's nudity. their minds have been so conditioned to see something on a human being that they assumed that he was just in his small clothes.
Cub Services | Chapter 16
She shifted and tried to ignore the burning in her loins as she watched mikey stare openly at her naked body.
The Tourist Guide Chapter 4
The Tourist Guide Chapter 4 Written by MTT3 \<\<\<Note: If not mentioned differently, all persons of that story are talking German. I just wrote that story in English to provide it to a wider audience.\>\>\> ---Present Time--- Where was he?...
Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 1)
Luke was naked with the covers off of him, it must have been a good dream because his cock was standing tall.
The Gamer's Crossing 8 - Fireworks and Fishing
Soon it was time for August and with it came the Festival. James had largely avoided Freya since the small incident at her home and she avoided him. Not in realising he was off-limits, but in fear of being bruised again. She did attempt to report him...
Commission from Akira Kestrel
Walking down the hallway and to the bedroom, standing naked in the doorway, one paw on the door frame and the other on her hip. her tail swaying back and forth as she looked upon him.
The Hangunder
Cody wriggled and grasped forward with his paws. The tiny stoat dragged himself through yards and yards of digestive tract and finally made it to the rectum. Part of him was thankful that Doberman intestines weren't...
Tribal secrets
When it stopped dripping water, the lynx walked over to the other male, who was resting by the fire, and shamelessly continued drying his naked body. "are you going to be naked all day, bygul?"
The Pokemon Journey -- The Fountains of Cerulean City
"they're naked, naked, naked!" "what got him up a bunch?" asked naryawen. "it's because you and kelly are nude," said mike. "we didn't have any trouble in pewter city," said kelly.
Training the Witches' Pet - Request For KameKazeTiger
Sometimes she even let him watch as she played with the princess, her stunning naked body bound and helpless like a toy for her to play with.
Thanks for the food
It was a marvelous sight, still staring at the naked, glorious figure. he didn't notice how quickly he grasped down, now painfully pulsating from nowhere.