The Professor 03
The thin cat hung loosely from the peg, legs barely able to support him. "that was good, pet, real good," he said softly, sliding his paw slowly across calvin's backside. "you enjoy that?" calvin nodded, eyes half-closed.
The Way of the Pirate: Gold for Blood
The three remaining wolves tried to form up, to mount some sort of defense, but were driven apart as a prodigious bull terrier plowed his shoulder into the gut of the middlemost of them, sending him reeling back into the blade of the peg-legged jean
Off Limits
Fran tried to stomp on the parrot's foot, but had a peg leg, it turned out, thus no foot to stomp on, just a hook hand to bring in front of the jackal's throat.
Back To The Roots
"i'm not peg-legged, you know? i have two legs. don't you forget about the second one..." she giggled, treating more as a loyal servant than a friend with various benefits.
Welcome to Yochtis!
A peg-legged deer... an anteater with no snout... a wallaby toting a mesh bag of assorted severed paws. his eyes must have gotten ever wider, because eventually ockley stopped walking and checked him on the hip. "come on, already. go ahead and test it!
Damn pirates!
This is just an intro/test run also forgive the weird paragraphs. the uploader was being mean you know how a stereotypical pirate has a peg leg and an eye patch and a hook? i'm not sure why that's a stereotype.
Surrendering Command
Of course, even if her large soft breasts and curvaceous figure had been hidden, the robe that barely reached her thighs would have done little to conceal what rested between peg's legs.
Set In Stone
"we need glasses, canes, dentures, pacemakers, hearing aids, all the way back to pirates with hook hands, peg legs, glass eyes, powdered wigs, and gold teeth," she'd gone on. "technology becomes part of our body.
Surrendering Command (A Jeeves Disney Prompt)
Of course, even if her large soft breasts and curvaceous figure had been hidden, the robe that barely reached her thighs would have done little to conceal what rested between peg's legs.
Zach's Life Changing Experience
Even with len's peg leg he could still bring zach down eight out of ten times. "fine i'll do it but if i get killed by a guard for something i'm blaming you."
Surrendering Command - Part 2 (A Jeeves Disney Prompt, posted with permission)
Within seconds both fay and amelia were on their knees between peg's legs, stroking the smooth, perfectly shaven flesh that was exposed across the majority of peg's body with eagerly exploring hands while their muzzles pressed against the sides of her thick
Piercing the Swordsman: Chapter 3
"you wouldn't look down on her for using her peg leg, would you?" "of course not." the lion suspected the loss of a leg was particularly devastating to an animal that hung upside down as a default method to sleep.