kael and Jacob the day after kael's trial
He looked at sam with pleading eyes and saw her putting on scuba diving gear. he was curious about where the hell she found those but then he realized that he was still in a bit of a predicament.
Conquering Love
"plus your father became a marine just so he could scuba dive, strangely enough." â "i never knew that," jeremiah said. â "you'd find out a lot more about your father if you asked him yourself."
Character Intro - Serinthia's New Suit
She scanned the new page with interest, seeing that they a wide variety of suits and other products for both swimming and scuba diving, a sport she occasionally had a vague interesting in.
A Dive Gone Wrong [Scuba, Latex, Peril, Drowning]
That's probably what made scuba diving so exciting to me. not that i wanted to die of course... but i always had fantasies of running out of air while i was beneath.
Atlantis' Power
The other three men grinned at one another as they quickly scrounged up their scuba diving gear and started to get undressed.
Passion From The Deep
And above in the cave, the sponge-like plant sat in its domain, awaiting its next scuba diving victims... the end striker & phoenix copyright to strikersa
Aileana 01 - Encasement
Two years ago, she'd gone on a scuba diving vacation, and the wet suit she'd worn then was slightly less constricting than this.
A Belated Promise (Snuff)
Shi was never the type to scuba dive before, but shi doesn't think it takes too much weight to sink someone down. shi gets those weights tugged and knotted and secure, carefully rolling hirself back up. indeed shi can waddle.
Sasha's Transformation
She went swimming, snorkeling, or scuba diving almost every day. today was one of those days. she'd just had her oxygen tanks refilled, received a new mask for her birthday, and was eager to explore the reefs and shallows near the house.
Battle the Zzuragg part 4
She chuckles thinking about it "or maybe we just wanted to go scuba diving." "yeah, and your baby brother was with us.
Welcome to the Rabid: Teacher's Crush
I gazed at the beautiful water, as crystal clear as the scuba-diving paradises you'd find in waikiki and honolulu. "i love it..." i replied breathlessly, still in awe.
Underwater Transformation
Everything being paid for, a great hotel, excellent food and to top it all off, one of the waitresses was going to take him scuba diving.