Working with Animals
#1 of working with animals good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! what i've got here is a commission from good sir canine80 over on fa a.k.a xaie! ( go show some love to the donk!)
Party Animals
Party animals a blur of orange and black streaked across the night-fallen field with heavy, steady breathing coming from the uniquely furred creature as he ran.
Party Animal
"what is a party animal?" miko muttered softly. "party animal? those are mostly a halloween feature, but i guess we got some on clearance in the back, aisle thirteen-c." came the helpful but mildly aloof voice of the cashier.
Of Men and Animals
Dna structures began to change: human, animal, and vegetable. over time it became so drastic that the public, once in the dark, could no longer be kept ignorant. when the shift finally happened, it was massive.
Of Animals and Nature
Of animals and nature once in a land, where the wind blew and the ocean pounded upon the shore; there were two kingdoms. one was of dogs, loyal and homey. the other of cats, sophisticated and fickle.
Animal Sheltered
"yes master...ride me hard...ride me like a animal" kaji gasped. liam bore his killer teeth, grinning wide, overcome with such lust.
Animal Attractions
Chapter six [aa-six] this job became more and more enjoyable with each passing moment and each new animal. the next of the animals he had to feed was, as icepaws had stated, chopper cheetah.
Lab Animal
Lab animal 03-a-039, which meant i was the 39th for this test. my heart pounded hard against my chest, like it was trying to escape. they approached my cage, opened it, and reached inside for me with leather-protected hands.
We're Not Animals
We're not animals a someone's pc tale by dark violet down here, the air was damp and heavy, choked with the scents of oil and trash.
Party Animals
Ketchy shuffled back to the bedroom, eyes half-open. 7:04. In the _morning._ The bronze and silver-speckled fox squirrel sighed, flopping face-first onto her side of the bed. The alarm on her phone was set for 7:45. Gave her an hour to eat and...
Party Animals
"now those were some real party animals."
Party Animal
Cheers~ **-party animal-** if one were to ask ross what his favorite activity was, partying with a bunch of drunk strangers was pretty low on the list.