Wounded Upon the Battlefield
As the first round entered his chest the wolf came to his sences. He quietly whimpered to himself and choked back the tears, he wouldn't give these bastards the pleasure in seeing him in pain or begging for his life. The man with the AK backed off and...
Lovers from the Battlefield
The war has escalated since late 2013 the terrorists had thought everything through. They bided their time patiently waiting for the perfect time to strike back at us. When the attack came they gain a firm foothold in the northeastern part of US. Now...
Left Upon the Battlefield
"As he gained consciousness, the wolf looked at his surroundings. He was surrounded my men... all speaking in a tongue he couldn't understand, he assumed either farsi or turkish, and all with automatic rifles pointed in his direction, his fatigues were...
The Battlefield (part B)
He went down onto his knees, dropping the dangerous pickaxe onto the battlefield. i walked up to the skunk (arrogant little punk) and, as per the rules of the battlefield, asked him if he wanted to call a quits.
Ethan's Pecs
Ethan had a mean pair of pecs. His pecs were so ferocious that the president of the military academy drafted him to fight the war of the boars. Do bear in mind that the army was a practical muscle factory; more so than the gym. When you factor in the...
From the desk of the General. Mission 7: Doubt Squad
Without an engine, the wheels won't go round, if the wheels won't go round then it can't cross the battlefield to shoot anything with its lasers." "death rays," the moon orc corrected with a snarl. "sorry, it won't be able to shoot its death rays.
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 4 The Eurasian War(1206-1231)
The wolf had no results in the asian battlefield. it was too late to return to the european battlefield.
Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Into and info
The ship is called acies aeternam for a reason; this is latin for eternal battlefield. this because the ship is mostly on its way to upcoming battlefields, and one of the ships that is almost always on the frontline.
Love's Battlefield - Volume 15
I'd like to thank everyfur who read, favorited, rated, commented on, came to, or even glanced at my very first series, love's battlefield.
Love's Battlefield - Volume 14
Stay tuned for the final chapter of love's battlefield! thankies for reading!
Love's Battlefield - Volume 13
Love's battlefield - volume thirteen: philosophy and bread by joseph raszagal barely aware of the elapsing minutes or the rapidly passing city blocks, forrest and danni strode down the sidewalk in stunned silence. they'd done it.
Love's Battlefield - Volume 12
Love's battlefield: volume twelve - courageous cowards by joseph raszagal in a harried scramble, thomas and adam both bolted up from the bed simultaneously and assembled their discarded garments in a flash.