Filling the Emptiness
Immersed in the chill, granite breath of rain-soaked pavement, the hard oily bite of drenched asphalt, a confusing burst of blended aromas -- someone's garbage -- the short man pads downhill in the rain, ears laid back to keep the drops out, head down,...
Filled to the Brim
He liked to fill things, judging by how his cocks wriggled inside suel. they bumped and massaged the soreness off his stretched muscles, filling him with bursts of intense pleasure. suel tightened around them.
Ashanti - Filling In
"fill me up nice and full," i murred to her, panting softly as i showed off my need to her.
Fill up
"well, i can't service my self and if you do a good job i may fill you up" "oh shi..." nick said as his mouth dropped open and a bright red blush crossed his white muzzle.
To Fill a Void:Instinct
#1 of to fill a void the subject of passion is something that is common to both beast, and humanoid.
Filling Tanks
"i've done everything sir has asked: went out to a bar, hooked a cute guy, built a connection with him, filled him up to badly need a piss, kept him from having an accident on the way home, and even got him set up for sir to torment and use any way he wishes
Fucked and Filled
. :3 **fucked and filled** sigma's cheeks were flushed as she pulled off her clothes, the cheetah's hands trembling with every garment she cast aside.
Filling Greta
His muzzle opened in a strangled mix of moan, snarl and roar as he finally spilled over the edge and i felt him begin to fill me. jesus, i don't even know how to describe it.
Filling Ophion
Why- _because i need to be filled._ i'm not- _because i need to be filled._ i- _need to be filled._ ophion was smiling as he stepped outside. _everything will be better outside in the fresh air._ he was right, some air is what he needed.
Filling Station
I filled asses all across the city, and even a couple pussies that caught me unawares. i simply made sure to go to their place, not mine.
A Filling Role
Ky brought him up, dan feeling ridges pop out of his stretched hole, and shoved him down, filling him with hot flesh once again.
A Filling Present
Deep, swaying rumbling of various intensities filled the barn as arvoran's tongue filled his mate, plunging into her to collect the thicker, stronger-tasting honey.