The Wolf Cries

Maybe blackbird would realize the hypocrisy later. all he could think of in the moment was pain. his anal walls clenched uncomfortably around the guard's finger and blackbird whined to him, "please, stop this."

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Being here brings my closer to my god, and though the hypocrisy of the church burns me, i sit and pray. "please god. i need an answer. i know in my deepest of hearts that what i am is not wrong. it is natural. and so i surrender to you.

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The Shadow Chemist 1

The weight of her hypocrisy threatened to crush her, to leave her broken and defeated. but in the unforgiving world of new haven, weakness was a luxury she could not afford.

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The Making of a Wasteland Pt. 5

"we both know that if it were the same scenario and you were in his shoes, you would so the same thing, now that's hypocrisy, and i absolutely hate hypocrisy." "sorry boss," mr.

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.2/2 (The start of the aftermath)

I highly doubt that hypocrisy will save me against religion." he put a hand on his head. "look, my parents are... serious. ever since i was a young boy they wanted me to have a family, to have kids... **with a woman!

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 32

For all he knew, there was probably a conspiracy to have his ousted from his position and expose his homosexuality and hypocrisy. who knew how far they'd go. as far as durham was concerned, everyone was a suspect. everyone could be in on it.

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Unbroken Bonds: Chapter 3

"i am honestly offended by your hypocrisy" this was obviously not true, the sly smile on his face a clear signal of his true feelings. "where was nikko during all of this?" asked julian "i hope you haven't forgotten about him."

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MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

Flynn, ever annoyed that syd was almost slavishly devoted to another person, mused on his own hypocrisy, as he'd do the same for carl. speaking of carl, all where in his mansion, on the couch, drinking beards and watching shitty porn.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, part 20.

All my life i have seen nothing but cruelty and hypocrisy, then i met you, and i have to say that your fighting style has changed the way that i think, and for that i'm grateful".

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Paw 2

"all who are brought here are in essence being judged for their hypocrisy as they prove themselves capable of his mercy."

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Billy the Kid

Though billy's lack of education made it hard for him to come up with a word for the practice, "hypocrisy" would have been perfect for garrity.

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SPQR- Chapter 9 + Analysis

For him to claim any sense of guilt or remorse over killing yet another enemy was blatant hypocrisy and martellus knew this, as he contemplated his own fate. soon, the wolf was asked the same question as his judean friend.

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