The Cave. Part three

Tom let his head fall back as he propped himself up with his arms, his muscles seming to begin expanding as he begn to get taller as well.

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Eevee loves Flareon milk (Italian translation)

- gridò mentre il suo corpo inziava a spillare chiari limpidi liquidi orgasmici, che trascinavano verso l'esterno i residui del mio seme rimasto ancora dentro di lei.

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The voices semed to laugh at my request,a request of a dead man i feel."we shall make it you died here mortal,but you seem to know that this task means.."

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WDT Hell

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Opening Doors and Crossing Boundaries

He stopped the thought there because he didn't want to know if she though him to be an 'uke' or a 'seme'.

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A Boy and His Kobold

These creatures were supposedly responsible for the disappearance of lone trade wagons and unwary travelers between semes to the north and naroon to the southwest.

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The Forbidden Lovers(chapter 1)

(seme) -alex stanley- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ black wolf, small white patch of fur lineing from his fore-head down to his nose, brown eyes, tall (6'0"), age 16, tends to be somewhat skittish, overreacts.

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Winning the big prize

Nobody semeed to have paid them any notice. soon the crowd calmed down, the game on the field started again but the rat had another game in mind. he stopped, the crocodile did too, and he looked down, paying particular attention to something. "oh no.

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Legend High-Chapter 14

I do seme and uke, sadly...** **me: see? was that so hard?** **benshu: not as hard as kyu and reggie fucked you when we all had a or-.** **me: okay! shut up!

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A Fated Reality-Chapter 3

'hmm, he is kinda seme-looking. i wonder if they have.......' meanwhile mister, who was right behind me, was thinking about me as always.

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Easter with Andlat (Part 1)

Andlat could hear their displeasure in their voices, but neither their grandmother nor claire semed to hear it. while the women cooed over jessie and jenny's dresses, andlat went over to the wolf already sitting in the armchair.

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I'm Just A Laundress Ch. 3

It has been a month since that faithful day since Justin saved Taylor from the two street punks. The wolf kept his word and was at the mat every day to not only look after Taylor but earn the money to fix the hole in the wall he indirectly caused which...

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