A shocking past
R&r a shocking past "mom, please don't leave me!" a mareep yelled as people were dragging a ampharos. "it's okay, garnette, make mommy proud and become a fine ampharos one day" the ampharos spoke with sadness, before fading into the mist. "no! mom!!!"
A Shocking Surprise
The hiker expected his mouth to be met with the juice from the apple, but was instead given a large shock which travelled quickly through his body. the flesh of the apple turned to ash in his mouth as he felt his tongue grow numb.
Shocking Flame
(Ok, I've always loved the idea of going to a boarding school, a kind of fancy one, in anime manga and other fan fictions, it seems your roommates always become your very best friends, so I wanted to write a fan fic about just that. I hope you enjoy...
Culture Shock
This was calia's own culture shock. she vocalized many times that she understood that the aspect cannot just be with one consort, especially a consort who cannot give him hatchlings.
Slip Shock
"slip shock", gena, keshi & kesha are © aynblackfox pokemon are © to nintendo/gamefreak/some japanese guy fa posting: posted: september 5th, 2010 11:21 am slip shock by ayn blackfox gena
Thanksgiving Shock
."** **what happened was even more of a shock then the truth, ryan came and sat right next to me and planted a kiss right onto my cheeks. (which are crimson red since i told my family.)
Beginnings and Shocks
We had the next day of school off as a sort of shock recovery period of time. i stayed in danielle's room that night, mostly so she'd feel safer that night. for some reason, i had a strange desire to write a song... or, more like, re-write a song.
Shocking Discovery
. --- shocking discovery --- seth was a dog. nothing particularly special about the young canine, just a dog. he was a mutt at the age of thirteen, with a coat that would rather fit a calico cat.
System Shock
His sons all looked up in shock at their father before looking up as well, they all froze as they saw the shape falling. garet was the first to react, "guys, get over there now!"
Shock and Awe
The two made out for more than a minute and scott, james, and i just watched, shocked at how much had happened in the course of two minutes.
The Shocking Truth
As the three of us held a nice little conversation I started gazing at the sun as it set over the mountains. Though for some reason the conversation came to a stand still when I turned back around. A puzzled look crept to my face as they stared...
Shocking Experience
After the shocking kiss, the coyote rose and stretched, popping hir back, neck, and knuckles before heading into the shower. sleeping nude meant shi could step into the shower without expending any energy on disrobing.