For The Ladies
As long as varg was fucking her, she would've tolerated anything. varg regarded artica with a subtle nod, a gesture that said _sup?
Arora: The Hungry Wolves Chapter Two
As for the varg, they view themselves as perfect. who are the varg, exactly? that depends. a varg citizen can be anyone.
True Blue
As the sound died down, ruhi gasped, opening his eyes, blue once more to look at the grinning varg. his rival inclining his head, before his thick haunches creaked, his back hunched, and he leapt like no varg should be able.
A Long, Dark Road (part 5)
Kath looked to varg, who too looked at the magical barrier with a mix of confusion and awe, then suspicion.
Unicorn Federation (UNF) Negotiations
There was a huff, "now captain varg, you're making me upset. choose a location and a representative.
A Long, Dark Road (Part 8)
varg demanded, jaw clenched with anger.
Hard Times
A very groggy varg answered back. "hello... this is varg, i got a call on this number..." "varg! this is ron samson- we met at lincoln park recently and you offered me the sound engineer job!" there was a short pause before varg answered.
Arora: The Hungry Wolves Chapter Three
Chapter three not every pureblood wolfen follows the same religious path as the varg.
A Long, Dark Road (Part 10)
"you've seen my library, varg," aric responded, "i never stopped learning about magic."
A Long, Dark Road (Part 13)
"varg? yes, i travelled with him. how do you know that?"
A Long, Dark Road (Part 9)
varg had an easier time of it due to his longer stride, but soon he too was being dragged forward by the grip of the chain around his throat.
Song of prey
varg. \*\*\* he was walking the streets for some time. for the next time he will have to choose another city. tonight he will try once more here yet... another dark street.