A Softer Touch
I laid in the baths, my head leaning back and my eyes were closed as the steam kissed my tired body. Training with Anera had been tiring. It was not only taxing on the body but also on the mind and I was paying my due. Even though I was going to be the...
Dead Streets: Scouting Underneath
She would be in and out of the building without a problem, and if she met a problem then she would certainly find a use for her rifle.
The Devil May Care 6
Tags: m/m, f/solo, cat, tiger, angels, god, series, fantasy, urban fantasy, corruption, reflection, world building, character development,
Breen's First Pride
June came sooner than many residents expected, and with the new month came a new slew of celebrations. In addition to various birthdays, anniversaries, and the like, June was also known to many as Pride Month. It was a month-long celebration for LGBTQ+...
Stories Wanted
**\*\*\*Wow, guys, thanks for all the ideas so far! Please, keep them coming!** **For your information, I've taken on board 2 projects with a very clear idea of storyline since posting this a week ago. Until they're nearer to finished, I'll refrain...
Kinktober Day Nine: Muscles
Tessa was in a mood. It happened occasionally -- there were times when she simply wasn't satisfied with the string of lovers that she seemed to carry on. They could only do so much, after all, and the mink frequently found that they were inadequate for...
The Master of the Ass
Their asses were still quite large, though no longer as proportionally so to their bodies as they had been when they were still in the building. they could walk again, for example.
Some Monstrous Side Effects
The air raid sirens rang out in the background of the city as tai approached the massive buildings, clearly having a goal in mind, but no one could figure out what it was.
Journeys of Time 1
**Journeys of Time 1: The War painted in Dark Blood** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your...
The legend of a warrior; chapter 49: building trust
.** _ **chapter 49 - building trust** it had gone on and on for hours. vesta was ravenous like alexis, and just as strong and insatiable.
Office Smex 3 : Team Building Exercises
We could even charge admission for others in the building to come and watch!"
Chapter 1: Normality has left the building.
.** **chapter 1: normality has left the building.** a year ago, my life was perfectly normal. i lived in a perfectly normal house, in a perfectly normal street.