The Blessing and The Curse - Part 11

"a new werewolf cannot change spontaneously," gregory explained. "even though tonight is a full moon, and your biorhythm is most excited as a result, the wolf within you cannot manifest on its own.

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 9

I knew that the kiss was hardly spontaneous on his part; he'd been planning to do this all day, if not longer. it was too swift, too matter-of-fact, too perfectly timed. i could feel his arms wrap around my back as he pressed his chest into mine.

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High School Transformation: Ch 1 Ed

Before he could utter another word or cry out, another spontaneous urge grabbed him, forcing him to stomp his right foot against the white tiled floor beneath him.

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Metemorphisis Prequel [Long Day]

Capable of doing so either expend their life energies trying to leave their planet thus becoming part of the universal hierarchy, live secluded lives away from the general populous, or become martyrs to regulate the planets civilizations throughout their spontaneous

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Justice Betrayed

Penny wanted to be spontaneous, or at least her hormones did. she still had a firm grip around splitter and literally flipped him over. she didn't know what to do, so she decided to lick his face slowly.

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The Hunter's Thesis

Only footprints could be seen spontaneously appearing in the misty and damp soil, these footprints belonged to none other than vonn marlovik, a wandering arcanist and graduate from grand hall university.

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_ after all he was old enough to drink now, _'clubbing seems likely... but surely pert would do something more surprising and spontaneous.

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Alpha Corgi

The d&d book became more and more foreign to rerim as he read on, soon he became more interested in the spontaneous game of football breaking out in the middle of the hall than in reading.

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Amalgamation 2

The royalties were enough to let him have a modest living, though he was fired after spontaneously developing the ability to breathe fire, and scorching another actor's... well, you can fill in the rest.

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A Tiger can't Change his Stripes

I wrote this spontaneously for this wonderful pic by felixpath. it was submitted originally as a description on fa and not as a story, so it's not been proofed and it not up to the quality of my usual stories i would say.

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The Other Side Of Summer

No one could tell if it was spontaneous mutations, aliens, magic, what. some had memories of past lives as humans, others the memories were missing.

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Super Happy Fun Time!

A round of applause from the crowd erupts almost spontaneously, as in if this were a true oscar moment. endo balls his taloned hands into fists, and then sighs heavily.

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