Road Rovers: Induction to the Lykans
"i'm very impressed you were able to suppress the pack mentality by adding more dna of your earth's dogs species. quite ingenious actually! no wonder you were the only one that president trusted with our dna."
Breeding the Librarian: The Wolf and the Bunny (erotic eBook teaser)
They were either born with a pack mentality or wanting to be out on their own, with some nuances in-between.
Sunnyside Up
That wasn't the kind of thing he'd normally do, pack mentality maybe, but just tacitly accepting some new kind of drug? he preferred to at least know a little about what he was putting in his body, and his knowledge of k was severely lacking.
The Beta
Jake had done a little bit of reading online and learn that most dogs worked in a 'pack' mentality, and that they needed a leader to be told what to do.
The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 9: A Wolf in her Bedroom
Evie was a little bit backwards thinking, being an alpha bitch she still had a bit of a pack mentality left over from way back when. truth be told, bill's mother was the same way, though, not to the level of her sister.
Chapter 3: Natural Tension
#1 of pack mentality i love spooning. i know it's kind of a cliche', but there's something to be said for it. since i took my mother and aunt as lovers this year, i've let a lot of things go, most obviously, my inhibitions.
Night Life
Now, salika wasn't a virgin to being mounted, he considered himself to be a switch, but he had a very strict pack mentality. he would only bottom for someone who had established himself as dominant over him, and never a fox!
The Federal Lupine Republic
Couples of more than two partners are not uncommon, in part to the pack mentality of their genetics. couples that share assets and seek permanent bonds, called mates then, generally bond for life; the concept of divorce in lupine culture is non-existent.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Ten
Whether she had a wolf's pack mentality or not, when my mom saw the look in his eye, she backed away. i felt bad for her. after all, she was just trying to keep me and kimberly safe. i didn't feel bad enough to pass up the chance to leave, though.
Just About a Sheep and a Wolf
"stupid pack mentality." groaned the satyr as he pushed himself to look at the werewolf. curt's dusty green eyes lit up before he crawled over riley and out of bed, trotting the short distance across their studio apartment to their kitchen.
The monsters aren't magic, they aren't supernatural, and until recently all we've been able to determine is that they are close to feral beasts with a pack mentality. but now we know... the children of iron sent out it's own team to investigate.
Get Bit: Make Lycanthropy Work for You!
Side effects may include wet mouth, floof, happiness, lewd pornography, weird commercials, uncontrollable desire to bark after people ring the doorbell, lycanthropy, pack mentality, ties that last for more than 30 minutes, wardrobe loss, snoot boops, dramatic