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He was a snow-white ferret with black paws. a group of suspected mobsters broke into his house and murdered his wife, a similarly snow-white ferret woman with gray paws. they made a great pair, he had been married for two years before joining the force.
The Countryside
Her snow white fur pristine from being freshly cleaned. her body all fluffed out from the dryer. she turns and gives me a look, inviting me to follow her into the bedroom.
Tatsuo's Adventure: White pt1
It was snow white, his claws where very long, seeming that he could retract them anymore since they were so long and his toe claws were the same, rendering him unable to actually walk without pain.
This is how love goes:Chapter one- The Accident
Tatomoru ventan: is age 20 he is a fox with snow white fur he has bright yellow eyes he is 5"5 and thin. he works a part time job at a coffee house as he goes to collage. he is best friends with zeck tesona.
Lila of the Reptilydes Part 2
Amber eyes and snow white hair, dmitri was the spitting image of his uncle. dyremus laughed and cuddled the child close, knowing this one would always have a special place in his heart.
Phillip Todd - A Wolf Joins In
"he's a big wolf, got white, and i mean snow white fur. really well built. seems like a nice guy to me." "you know if he's gay, straight, bi?" i asked.
Estrana and the Noxwolf
After several hours of this bounding and training fatigue and sweat caused him to slow and eventually stop, sweat trickling down his snow white fur.
I still say the only reason i get any attention is because of my hair, i mean it's snow white. cody got up and went to the kitchen, probably for a beer, so i weaved through the crowd saying hi and giving nods to people along the way.
Full circle (Bear/human, bear/bear, zoo and vore)
This nanuq was unusual in that it was both quite large, almost as tall at the shoulder as she was standing up, yet snow-white as a cub.
Search For His Happiness Chapter 1
It was full, it was snow white, it was beautiful. it was something a wolf hybrid like him could not stop gazing at.
A Brewing Storm --- Part 2
Her kama lashed out, ripping accross his breastplate, rending a ragged gash in it, leaving a thin trickle of blood on his chest, staining his snow-white fur.
Part One
I have snow white fur with onyx black and slate grey stripes. my mate, i know her as sara, is known to the norion as brea. she has jet-black fur with snow white and pearl stripes and eyes of liquid sapphire.