Balls in the Air
Each of them could see a juggling ball that looked just like a much more personal _pair_ of balls to them, and every time the ferret tossed and squeezed that particular ball, they found themselves shuddering and gasping at the sensations that touch provoked
Balls at the Mall
And if you simply want to get to know me, my writing, or my characters more, take a look at my tumblr at balls at the mall for drakehavok by draconicon "kinda interesting seeing how people
Rugby Balls
With one good shove, he rammed his cock deep into the twink's face and smacked his balls across that pretty snout. suddenly desmond's entire world was adharc's ballsack.
Beach Balls
Without even thinking, he stuffed the panda's plump and heavy balls into his mouth. the garment covering them was silky but he could still taste the masculine flavor of a big bear ballsack.
Dark Adventures of Gatomon Part 1 - An Early Afternoon
Stars began to flow across her eyes as the cock thrust into her maw and throat, the teens balls slapping roughly against her chin. "yea you like that don't you gatomon, you little slut!"
Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur? Chapter 3: The Tournament Part. 2
Disclamer: This story contains situations of a graphic sexual nature. If this offends you, then please don't read it. If you have any coments or if you want to draw one the caracters in this story, then don't be shy feel free to email me...
Dungeons, Dragons... And Fur? Ch. 3 The Tournament Pt.1
She gave him a sharp look "well then something simple" she held out her hand and simply said the word 'lumouse' and a ball of light manifested in her hand.
Night before yiffmas
As usual this story contains adult content and should not be viewed by minors what ever age that maybe in your respective country, this story was mostly just a short happy story for all of you to read on the holidays, ^\_^ I hope you enjoy it, if not...
Road Rovers... or at least they were...
This story is a fan-fic that was requested by Vincent wolfie. It's chars. Are not my Intellectual property they were made up buy some one else... hence fan fic. (duh) it also has many things some people would find offensive, like sex between consenting...
Arein: Night terror
S face and a small ball of light started to form. he knew that the energy blast would end him?
Arein: Elise's wet dream
(as if i will get any fan art but wishful thinking i geuss) also i am very new at this story thing so if it aint the best sorry i just hope its some what enjoying ^\_^ * * * concept by lurking dragon story by fur ball oringal story kayla by prof.
Arein: Dress ups?
When he set foot in side they got him form both sides, for a second it was blurs of fur and flesh as they all rolled around in a ball, laughing and wrestling playfully.