[Serathin] Invitation Plus One

Negadrake could feel his tail twitching excitedly as he waited in the front lobby of Dragon Heaven, watching the doors that led out into the street. Behind him one of the Gatekeeper Dragons was waiting in the ticket booth as well, the...

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Switching it Up - Part One

Not only was he losing his virginity to a man, but to a bipedal man.

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The Kovarudia

They also come in four subspecies: quadrupedal akaer [ah-kae-er], bipedal dekaer [deh-kae-er], centaur-like erkaer [her-kae-er], and wyvern-like jikaer [dzi-kae-er].

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The Great Starfall - Part I

Twelve bipedal wolves, each a sub-species ofextantterran canis lupus, suddenly winked into ethereal existence. it didn't seem to fazeelder ruvo of the frost seekers tribe,_c. l. occidentalis._ "status report."

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Unlucky Cats 02

Sammi's eyes shot open, when she heard the chittering of the biped she hissed whispered.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 2 - A New Hope

It didn´t took long until the biped nest became alive. the lights inside were lit up and only a few seconds later a biped stepped outside. immediately the biped one saw half star and screamed something into his direction.

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From Ashes Chapter 2

I have only been having sex with shadow ans shi's a biped. bipeds can't have kids with taurs." "not completely true.' "huh?" "some biped males have had their reproductive parts altered so they can have kids with a taur mate.

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Spells in R&D

**taur transformation:** this spell is ment to turn a biped into a taur form of their own species. side effects include, inability to return to biped form, gender change to herm, and light sencitivity. v.

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Claiming the top deck

The purple bipedal dragon closed his eyes as he started to hump into the feral dragon's snout. "mind if you lift that pretty tail of yours vex?"

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In Another Life Pt. 5

"when zelzan brought his biped home, we of course submitted him to all manner of inspection. allowing a biped into the family is a delicate process, especially when the biped is responsible for producing the future of our line.

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Finished Spells

**quad to bi conversion:** this spell will take a quadrapedial creature and reshape it into a bipedal anthro form creature.

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