His Domain
his eyes were shut tight, his face clenched into as much of a grimace as he could manage with his mouth in use.
Kayla: By His Will
his paws quickly worked to tuck in his shirt and button his slacks, to get his equipment holstered at his waist again.
His Roommate
Shaking his head to break out of his own train of thought, the snow leopard decided to continue his daily bath for the morning.
His fault
I forgot about his scent and his body pressing against mine. his paw accelerated with every second, i gripped at his beffy forearm and began to hump on his grip, that sensation... i've missed it a bit too much.
His Man
his father did tell him and he wasn't sure what he wanted in his life.
His Choice
They had put hot coals in his rump until he died of infection. he shook his head, not wanting to think about that. that didn't happen now, did it? his silence didn't go unnoticed as the wolf spoke up.
His night
And he went out the window, spreading fierce wings behind his back, and flew into the night that claimed to be his.
His Pledge
Along his mighty paw wore a decorative gauntlet, gilt in gold and draped around his pointer, ending in a sharp point. i was such an idiot! i looked at him directly in the eyes, he hates when his servants do that!
His Humiliation
Misha whimpered, shaking his head, hiding his face in his paws.
His BigWings
his maw with his tongue.
In His Place
He made his way to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and take a piss before he headed to the food court. by the time he made his way there though, the odd feeling seemed to sink into his hips and then dispurse into his groin.
In His Gallery
Keeping his shoulders loose, he crossed his arms over his chest, his paws tucked into his elbows as he shook his head once or twice before settling into as royal an expression as he could manage. "better?"