Illusion of Reality Prologue
Each race had their ideals of good and evil, and unfortunately both good and evil fought this war based on ideals.
Lupis Culture: The Paragons
Societal changes were also nudged along by these paragons, with ideals such democracy and self governance eventually became lessons taught by these ai.
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 17: Marketing Plush Companions
Available in a multitude of colors and patterns, they provide the ideal highlight to the overall design of your plush companion.
Anthro Sex Squad Story 1 - Vibra's Story; The Revelation According to Wethers
Beside aaluran, flying upon wings of incredibly long hair, hovered beings of impossibly idealized beauty.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 80 - One way or another...
"describe your ideal sex partner".' 'my ideal sex-partner? haha!' 'yes.' 'so i suppose i have to describe my ideal male and female sex partner then...' 'yes.' 'hmm... you know, you have an unfair advantage for being straight in this game...'
El Cándidato Idóneo
El Candidato Idóneo Escrito por **grrside** Stuart Thompson terminó de zamparse su segunda barra alimenticia del día. Ojo, que ésta no era una barrita energética cualquiera. Era manufacturada por la división de nutrición de la Agencia Espacial...
A Pause.
The ideal world doesn't spin like earth, só half of it experiences eternal morning and the other half is plunged into deep darkness. the wind blew, it was afternoon in that place. why a cub would want to have the ideas?
Hypnovember Day 23 - Corrupt
"see what happens when i remove some of those silly morals and ideals of yours?" sponsored by ashkelling ### 23 - corrupt (ashkelling) the first part to go was the arms.
Collected Words of a powerless and tired man
Barely a century later, a single man created an ideal and brought millions of his followers, as well as nearly the entire european continent against a group of people, merely for not being what he considered right or just.
Delving Deep.
But within the immaculate timidity displayed with every action, is it not shown plain faced of the ideal we but allude to.
Sexy Short 5: Snatch
This was the ideal spot, which combined with the ideal time, would prove to be the most efficacious method to teach the concept.
Where does everyone fit in Kyruku society?
Alas however, despite their best intentions and ideals, there is still a certain social 'hierarchy' that tends to be adhered to by most people living within the empire, be they kyruku or otherwise.