The Long Shot Part 2: The Loud Crack

Short by 10 meters but at the final 500 meters of it's flight, a gust of wind propped the bullet the rest of the way.

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Drachenmenschen - 08/1 Endlich richtig fliegen...

Auf dieser waldwiese die fast 700 meter lang und an den schmalsten stellen noch über 100 meter breit ist, stellt sich nur entlang eines baches eine lockere baum und buschreihe quer in den weg.

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Kapitel 1 - Eisige weiten - Unter Feuer

meter um meter kämpfen wir uns durch die schneedecke voran, bis wir schließlich die feindliche artillerie in dem schneesturm ausmachen können.

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Einheit X - Teil1 - Das Monster im Park

Als er sich mir meter um meter nähert, fällt mir auf dass er gar kein fell hat, sondern nur flackernde flammen seine schwarze nackte haut umgeben.

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The Patrol part 8

They were nearly there. 20 meters their energy was draining but they pushed on 15 meters a rat dived at graves but he smashed it's face with his fist 10 meters they could see outside, they just had to push it. 5 meters a rat grabbed drivers ankle and he

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Changing Fates, Chapter Two

Even though chi was shorter than the average aves kyacinthotaurum, you can't fit a three and a half meter tall (and two meter wide in the haunches) anthropomorphic quadrupedal through a two by one meter opening.

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A new place to live - Prologue: A new country, new people.

He was 1.63 meters and was dressed in simple blue jeans and a blue t-shirt, his favorite color. he had a small silver chain around his neck.

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Frankreich - Ein tierischer Urlaub---Kapitel 1

Etliche meter weiter unten sah man, wenn man den kopf etwas weiter nach links drehte, schon die dächer des dorfes und ein paar meter weiter die ardeche, auf deren anderen seite sich eine weitere steilwand wieder nach oben zog.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 3

Half an hour of sliding their paws and backs up against the shaft walls, the wolves only ascended three meters. they were nearly there, but they were becoming exhausted.

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Ablaze Ch.9: Battle of Senchen (6)

To his disdain, the heat rocket misses the autocannon apc's turret by just under a meter.

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Interspecies Pamphlet (Initial Species Guide To Silver City Universe)

- average height; 1.98 meters to 2.3 meters. some subjects of upwards of 2.5 meters have been documented.

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The overture of the parachute under the 100 meters, under the radar detection.
