Thursday Prompt: Oily

V=fidyduhulwk i think they're a naturally mojito cat that is cool with everyone and makes everyone feel better: honestly i couldn't think up a cat breed on the fly for the keyboarder for this story. sorry.

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18 Mother talk

"i need something to drink, is it too early for a  mojito? fuck it, bring that or a black coffee, which ever i can have with the most alcohol in it," then released his and turned back to the table, " ok, you have a hold on the basics of her plans.

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A Deal with the Devil - Part 1

Wiki brought the glass to his lips again and sipped more of the mojito, trying to hide a smile of happiness. indeed, this place felt like home.

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Meet The Neighbors (TG, TF, MC)

Karen laughed dismissively at the second one, taking a swallow of her mojito. "but the weirdest thing is... matilda's asked me to try out hypnotherapy." she paused for a beat. "... as a kink thing.

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Ocean Depths part 4

"mai tai, bioler maker, mojito, and shari please." kevin ordered, the same drinks they got every night before. he had that same fake sincerity as ever, sparkling eyes and a sweet poisonous smile like a viper waiting to bite his prey.

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Who's a Good Boy?

It's a difficult look to read, but i laugh and throw my head back, swigging the last of my delicious mojito and feel its effects begin to sink in.

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Guadalupe (4)

They had all been drinking hard top-shelf tequila, margaritas, mojitos, even an occasional dos equis every now and then, serving as a chaser to the harder booze. no dainty planter's punches within a meter of proximity near these rowdy babes.

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 4 (Book 1)

He drank his mojito and paid for it and stood up as if to walk away. "wait a minute," oliver said. "what?" "i don't want you to go."

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At the best of times, that still wouldn't concern jez, and it concerned the mongoose even less, right now, as the waiter stopped by to replace his empty pre-dinner mojito with his during-dinner mojito.

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The Spark Of Life - Chapter 03

-excuse me, can i get a pint of mojito and a glass of camila's choice please? the clay figure asks. -oh, yeah. coming right up. coleo fetches the bottle of the brand of blood and pours it into a wine glass, before beginning to make the cocktail.

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Beach Day

mojitos and onion rings at the park. pizza, beer, and appetizers after. you're going to make me fat." "i'm just glad you like deep dish, too. besides, i was very much in the mood to splurge.

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Petty Revenge

Grant teased after swallowing a mouthful of his mojito. "can't, mommy has it in the alps this weekend" cecil replied without thinking as he grabbed his car keys from the bar counter.

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