Fate also smiles
She smiled, and my embarrassment melted away to nothing. i smiled back. her eyes traveled over the equipment cluttering my work desk.
A Smile as Wide as a Mile
Gilda managed a smile, and nodded.
Smile Pretty, Kitty
He fell with a gasping cry that drew a smile to kay's lips, one less stiff prick between him and his mistress.
Finding a Reason to Smile
So he lay there with his chest lazily rising and dropping, an enraptured smile on his lips. hours had passed with his new boyfriend, hours spent smiling, having fun, and learning about new exciting things.
Service With a Submissive Smile
His face curled up with twisted delight, but the last of his nerves wouldn't leave his smile; zech was an expert at making a scenario feel almost a little **too** real. "not a word to anyone, sir."
All About the Smile
His thumbs applied just enough pressure to sooth and relax the muscles of serling's face, and as the coyote smiled pleasantly at the sensation he couldn't believe how much less physically, mechanically effortful it felt to do so, though the _effort_ of smiling
The Cold Winter Rain [Loss Love Poem]
.** _ _ **i then started to smile, in the cold winter rain. ** _
Looks Like He's Smiling
Then i noticed for the first time, the pee opening of my penis was made in a way where it looked like my penis was smiling. with my other paw, i turned my penis head so it was facing me. wooo! it looked like he was smiling to me!
The Vulpine Smile chapter 6
#6 of vulpine smile series hello i present to you chapter 6 of vulpine smile.
The Vulpine Smile chapter 5
Contrary to any of that, he was still smiling like everything was a big, funny joke that never ended. it was contagious, and soon i was smiling as stupidly as he was.
Service with a Smile 2/2
The purple and maroon helper gave a sheepish smile, and the two laughed together for the first time since they had arrived.
Thomas Shorts: Smile for the Camera
Stone smiled warmly at the despondent mouse who sat akimbo on the floor in his office, surrounded on all sides by sex toys and dildos.