Making new friends is easy
Push both doberman and terrier backwards onto the bench behind jude.
Ch 10 - Dancing, Dating, Dining, Drinking, Yiffing
Woofie leaned down and gently took a fold of the terrier's neckruff in his teeth, nipping lightly. when he did that, ralph's tail almost slapped against his own back, it whipped up so fast. "let me do this first," the terrier whimpered.
Shark Bait
My folks wont' be home until way late." and started to run his hands up under the terrier's shirt. the terrier's breath got faster as he got flustered, his pants were already painfully tight and alex wasn't making it easy on him.
The other doberman circled around the terrier, his shaft quickly filling out once more.
Leashers and Burb Dogs
The terrier had called jason the moment paul had left ahb for the night, and had asked for him to check in on paul.
It's a... Date?
Suddenly xzepher wrapped his arms around the terrier's waist in a tight hug, resting his head against the dog's chest. he nuzzled the terrier's muscular pecs, making ripper tingle a bit as he felt the cat's smooth fur brush against his own. "thank you."
Courage Under Fire
"give 'im here, kowalsky," the terrier said. kowalsky, the mutt, frowned and shoved spitzohr into the other soldier's waiting arms. the terrier embrace and forcibly kissed the german squirrel.
Fuckonomics 101
The terrier questioned with a bit of concern. "cuz, i've gotten one of your bras mixed up in my dresser before," she replied.
High School Days Ch 14: Three to Tango
The terrier began to run as jeff yelped, "tony, wait!" tony felt his right arm drag as james hung onto his arm, trying to keep him from running, but the little fox was far to weak to stop the much larger terrier.
Beauty of the mind - Whatever remains #3
The terrier's head would have been better. thursday came and she actually managed to call a cab and leave the flat.
Going the Hole Way
The terrier pulled back on her tail as he pushed forward with his hips, sliding deeper into her moist pussy. i'm really doing it...i'm fucking a stranger.
Raving About Her Feet
One bull terrier. one crocodile that was wearing a far-too-tight pair of daisy dukes. a gecko that was winking at her and flicking her tongue around like it was nobody's business.