#6 of vignettes this is an erotic poem in secundus paeon trimeter with fat fur themes and gay male intimacy. this poem is a vignette that features the exploits of an overeating food critiquing pig and a chance encounter with a tailor rooster.
It's the yaoi boy that holds her stare, some undressed knave and his lover fair. all empty, all in vain. while snobby young with heads in clouds, denounce her yearnings, snide and loud. "that garbage is nothing to be proud of, skank."
Axe and Moss: when tragedy strikes
guy in school and it seemed like every gay guy in town, they saw the now famous teen slut and asked for a demonstration, i could never say no to a willing participant, it was then that i started to get sick.
Difficult Love: Part 2
"it seems to me that you where just fucking this little fag boy here," with that i growled and stopped my shaking, no one called me fag boy.
Diapered World
Just one week earlier the whole world had been normal and wearing normal clothes and having women along with men, now the world was full of a diapered group of gay men who couldn't think of anything else but sex.
The Report
"so, the gay guy plays cupid.
Stinky Fun 2: Sometimes family know best...
Guess i can stop calling jas fag-boi now and give you that title." instantly tommy woke himself from his mental blackout and then looked up to mikey with fear in his eyes.
"not every gay guy is like me, marty..." the wolf said uncomfortably. it was probably cruel to make him take sides like this... but the boar still felt a surge of resentment at being sided against.
#1 of vignettes this is an erotic poem in trochaic nonameter with gay male and fat fur themes.
Summer Camp 2: Times of Grace
That gay boy won't take you." she smirked, "well if he doesn't than floramon did say that i could have my turn with the blue dragon. now he has stamina, but i think i'll take my chances here first."
I also wondered just how had i ended up talking about gay romance with mason of all furs, here at the locker room, just hours after i had made arrangement of a real gay date with a gay guy, victor, and i was a gay guy, too, rory.
Secluded place
And the more was supposed to be just sex the straight guy got a blow job and the gay guy got to give one. not a perfect system but the lion thought the husky was cute, he easily agreed.