WOLF - pt.21
All that mattered was my own self-doubt. the one i hated most right now was me. the power i had gained from bonding with my inner beast was nothing compared to the strength that linus and his followers wielded.
You Get What You Give
He was no longer the shy foal full of self-doubt and, though he was still an introvert, he no longer shied away from others; he'd become comfortable in his own hooves and managed to look people in the eyes when he spoke with them.
Rat Tale Ch.5 First Cut
Long car rides leave plenty of room for self doubt, and even more space for gloom. but even with my already low mood that morning i wasn't prepared for who was waiting to see me when i walked in. mason.
The Gift of Evolution
In the past, zoe had been a rather introverted torchic, always full of self-doubt. evolution had changed that: she was now more outgoing, making a lot of new friends and going out with them. a lot of new _male_ friends.
The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:26
You denied instinctual urges as something beneath you, and eventually all that loathing and self doubt caused you to play right into that plan." dawn was stunned into speechlessness by the creatures words. "therapy didn't help you dawn.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 35 - A Warrior Reawakened
He himself positioned himself accordingly - any self-doubt from before took a back seat, he needed to win this quickly, and then he could resolve the matter with his past, even if he didn't have the first clue on how to do so.
Margon: The Photo Shoot
He fought against the self doubts about whether he could ever be aroused by the thought of fucking someone. he fought against the doubt brought upon him by the death of a lover long ago.
Disjointed Prologue (part 1)
He got up and went to shower, and i sat there for a bit, then my old enemy came to haunt me...my self doubt and fears...
Kinktober Day Ten: Micro/Macro
Vicky sat on the bed for a few more moments with self-doubt ripping and roiling through her until she finally heard footsteps approaching the bedroom. she sat up straight, completely intent on apologizing as soon as sal came through the door.
A Feathered Shadowrunner's Tail - Coming to you live... (1)
> > > > > > > > > > > > "focus, feather," she started, that voice stern, but not harsh, as if teaching a promising student who's mistakes had lead them to self-doubt, "breathe and remember task. follow the steps and nothing else."
Smooth Talkin'
That was what made you so god-damned timid and self-doubting. you always wanted to be sure that you were doing the right thing, that you weren't hurting anybody--what happened?" "i got sick of thinking but not acting," the tiger said simply.
Hero, Chapter 8
It was the first time the audience got to see him flex, and in that moment hiro felt all of the pain, anguish, sacrifice, and self doubt wash away with the responding roar of the crowd. hiro forced himself to hold back for this round.