Dark Desires Chapter 4 of 25: Sibling Lovers Part 3

Dark Desires Chapter 4 of 25: Sibling Lovers Part 3 At the Stardust Nightclub October 30, 2040 10:45am It's now the day before the night of the party. The staff of the Stardust nightclub are busying themselves setting the Halloween decorations. James...

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To Aug or not to Aug.

HiltSong walked into the stark security room and was stunned to see a giant chakat standing behind the border collie shi'd come to meet. The collie directed Hilt to sit on the taur pad opposite him at the table and waited for hir to do so before...

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Episode ONE: Introduction are in Order

Episode 1: Introductions are in Order Bryan sighed as the hot water poured down his body, cleaning out the spotted auburn fur and relieving several weeks of stress. From the indeterminate canine's relaxed tail cascaded a stream like a mini garden...

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After That Night: Chapter Four - Stuck In The Same Boat

"Damn, you really should have called ahead before jumping ship like that," Nyx chastised, as with a pained swoosh, the door to her ship's bridge slid open. "Can't be too careful out here, after I bounced the company, stars only know who they'll send...

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Deep Space Zero

Once they made their way down the ramp, the bridge soon retraced up to the space ship. looking around the two cubs could see the place was a travel hub. all sorts of space ships were around. behind them was an opening leading to a force field.

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----captains log: year 9,000---- this is the final log of captain archie nith, our space ship the 'valiant journey' has ended up in a sector of space that we have never explored....


USS Virginia (SSN-774)

The west lead by america and nato and much of the e.u, have started on converting a small number of nuclear submarines into space ships. there were refurbished in dry docks and taken apart to be built in space.

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After That Night: Chapter Five - Maternal Complications

"Y-You! Do you know how much trouble you've..." Sero roared as he was forced to march down the hall, flanked by two electro spear-wielding guards, at least until the dark unicorn walking in front of him swiftly turned and shoved a muzzle on his face. ...

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Imagine it

Imagine it: a slow motion wide shot of a space ship crash landing into the surface of the earth.

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Planet of Magic

After the party, dak went back to his work shop with his buster blade and his new tools to construct his space ship. it was supposed to be the size of a car and seat two people.


Victernus - Chapter 12

The space ship veered off to the side while namara spun out of control. the very essence of time seemed to slow. most of his body missed the glass, but he watched over his shoulder in sheer horror as his left hand and foot were sliced clean off. 

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