From Bitter Beginnings... [Commission]
She spat bitterly, a puzzled look crossing her face when she saw a little smile curve the canine muzzle.
A (bitter) cup of coffee with the therapist
The disgusting, bitter smell of burned coffee was filling the house, but kenneth didn't move. out in the rain, somewhere, someone was crying.
A Bitter Sensation - //Chapter 1
Somehow, the familiar scenery stirred only bitterness in thyme. it taunted her, eluding to the life she could have lead. "ahead, yu. we turn here along the river." she said, morosely. "i have been before, little flower." said yu.
[11] Log #3508-A - The Bitterness of Guilt
Log extraction: #3508-a date: 230:10:13012[drl] time: z-10 x-32 subject: the bitterness of guilt note: source was a heavily encrypted audio log. the original could not be reconstructed perfectly.
Nakhir, the grey dragon: The bitter truth
"the bitter truth." he wiped the tears from his face and began searching for dry wood. the work distracted him only a little. he used the time to think about his life, about the past and what was going to come. he made a decision...
Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 3)
It was two in the morning. The storm showed no sign of passing anytime soon. Commander Starr stood within his private quarters staring out into the blackness through reinforced windows. Such weather was common in the Alaskan winter however he could not...
Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 2)
Sheer panic gripped Diana with an unforgiving vice. The emergency light started to flash red and confusion spread among every single being on board. Edgar rushed to the window to see the damage that had been inflicted, "Shit! The engine has been blown...
Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 1)
The assignment that was given to Diana was as vague as it could get. "Escort a high priority P.O.I. from the Alaskan Air Force Base to Black site" as vague as it was it certainly looked like the safest assignment out of the options she had available to...
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 57 - The bitter truth...
Who was telling me the bitter truth...?
Tangles chapter-5: Byrds: The Bitter and the Sweet
#5 of tangles :) chapter 5 - byrds: the bitter and the sweet _a time to gain, a time to lose a time to rend, a time to sew a time to love, a time to hate a time for peace, i swear its not too late " -pete seeger, 1962 columbia records the
Of Snow and Ink: Part 2 - Bitter Reunion
Seven years have passed, now. The Northern Province that Nikamura called home was seeing a time of peace and prosperity. The mute that everyone thought would grow to be a stellar artist was now following a dream she never thought she'd pursue. Already...
Terre Perdue, Kapitel IV, Bittere Vergangenheit
[kapitel i -- terre perdue](%5c) [kapitel ii -- unbekannter held](%5c) [kapitel iii -- strohmann aus stahl](%5c) kapitel iv -- bittere vergangenheit rayo tat einen schritt zurück, er wollte so tun als ob er nach hinten ging, weil er angst hatte.