All Better?
The angry and embarrassed chansey dragged her assistant out the room. the last thing they saw was the childish chansey flirt blowing a kiss. she must be hoping that gigas would come back for another "checkup".
It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the Mother
"chansey, i want you to use recover on my mom here. she's a little beat up." "...chansey!" in the corner, nurse joy's eyes widened. did he say his mom!?
Love of Disaster: Part One
She even taught the chanseyes how to play 21 (blackjack) just to keep her self awake, which she wasen't doing at the time.
Total Trust Chapter Four: A Whole New World
chansey shook her head no. cha nsey chansey chan sey chanse [he is fine. both of you show signs of extreme exhaustion what have you been doing?] while chansey and i had been talking, nurse joy made her way into the room and had checked several machines.
Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?
chansey, take this pokémon to e.r quick! chansey-chan! (said chansey as she put the strange pokémon on a stretcher, and then took him to the e.r and nurse joy followed as the light over the door lit up.) about an hour or two later.
The Human Species Ch. 42 - Cunning Leader Zoroark
The chansey huffed as she put her short arms at her side, "why don't you want me to help you?" "...
Misty fulfills a fantasy - pokemorph
"no, she isn't feeling well, but chansey can help you" i tell him. "my pokemon were hurt while practicing a new attack," he explains. "chansey, can you help him?" i ask.
New Beginning Chapter 9: Little Girl Lost
"chansey...chansey, chansey chan..." "nidoran... ni...\*what's going...on...\* i yawned, not sure why my eyelids felt like they weighed more than a snorlax. "rai...raichu...
New Beginning Chapter 8: You Can Never Be Too Careful
I mean, sara can cough fire like a vulpix, i can use electricity like a raichu, but what exactly do chanseys do, anyway? they're good nurses, but that's about all i really know about them.
One Way Out - Chapter 6 (Knowing the Gabite)
Upon noticing this, the chansey got up out of her chair and went over to us. "hello? what happened to this poor guy?"
Burying Bones Chapter 5: Hybrids
The nurse joy in charge smiles adoringly at the pups before motioning to a chansey to take them off to the vaccination machine. alex tails the chansey, not letting her pups out of sight as arkanon can be heard growling from his ball.
Journey of an Outcast - Part 1
chansey led him out of the freezer and to an examination room. after a brief analysis chansey sighed. "you know if you were more compliant i wouldn't have needed to do that." "nnnn, i told you i'm fine." sneasel said.