Sylvia and Hal: Mother Knows Best
He only paused to let sylvia breath when his tip pressed up against her cervix. sylvia took the chance to look down, amazed at how much of hal was still outside. he was only 7" in, with a good 5" still outside.
Sylvia and Hal: Mother Knows Best
He only paused to let sylvia breath when his tip pressed up against her cervix. sylvia took the chance to look down, amazed at how much of hal was still outside. he was only 7" in, with a good 5" still outside.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-9
." \*/ "roger that," sylvia acknowledged.
Serious Feelings and Close Calls
So, i thought on it a bit, and decided that i should at least try to show sylvia that i still care about her. as much as i loved akalu, i did love sylvia.
Illumanati Tales: New Beginnings 2
Cherrypaw teased, as his pawhand slipped over sylvia's wet vulva, which was covered by the blanket. sylvia blushed and playfully swatted his hand. "not here hun, you can wait." she replied, winking.
Unlike the other victims she actually attempted to reach over and throw sylvia off, so sylvia had to wrestle her down while drawing in enough blood to make her black out.
Illumanati Tales: New Beginnings.
sylvia replied, easing out of the vehicle, escorted by her mate. "evening sylvia and cherrypaw, welcome to our home, please come in and make yourself comfortable.
Jahaliya: The Amazons of Myscindyr
sylvia asked.
A Dragon and his Lioness Daughter
Ravano finally pressed his cock inside his daughter sylvia. with his cock larger than any actual lion could have, it naturally pressed every right pleasurable spot inside sylvia's cavern.
Ruined Nights: Part 2
"yeah," sylvia smirked, "but you were never much of a dancer. we could try again tonight, if you want."
This Lion is no king...
sylvia laughed huskily, as she watched tris slink over into the corner she had pointed to. "sylvia please... he... he's soooo fuckin' ugly, dirty, common please don't let him."
"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 8
[sylvia]: "yeah, you, too. stewert out." sylvia tapped her comm-set again to reconnect with moira. [sylvia]: "stewert to nightwing." [moira]: "this is moira. do you wish to place another call, sylvia?"