Belial: Crimson Nightmares Part I: Kitten in Captivity

Kitten's mistress, in her favorite form, a multi limbed half-human half-lion, glares down at her pet. "i've brought you some company kitten, i'm sure you two will get along nicely." she slams the door and locks it again.

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Part I – Dark Times in Glow City

The multi-limbed machination unfolded with a whirl of servos and pneumatics, the artificial dervish a virtual flurry of hard steel, heavy plastic polymers, and synthetic rubber gaskets.

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SHADOWRUN: Remember Your Past, Pt. 1

When millions were bathing in the sacred river of the ganges, a mana surge has awakened and many of the bathers were changed into multi-limbed blue hued humans. they have four arms and resemble many hindu gods, most notably shiva.

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Pagoda Adventures

From the outside, it looked like a geyser was going off as the titanic, multi-limbed crash blew the roof off of the pagoda and cum seeped out of the windows.

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Persona 3: A New Empress [Story]

The multi-limbed behemoth that was the arcana magician had appeared during one of their more casual expeditions - though stronger than before, and despite catching them off-guard, they were prepared to dispatch it.

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Remnants of Nocurin

Standing atop a hill of hard carapaced corpses, they hold a sword beckoning a legion of multi-limbed beasts. twilin. below the muraled dome's rim lie a scattering of artworks. the pattern is uneven, some must be missing.

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Even Villains Give Happy Endings (Chapter 2)

A colossal beast that stays within the murky depths below the mountain, but sometimes comes up to the glasslands for air, a multi-limbed, multi-purpose destroyer.

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A Monstrous Party

She'd rather be dead than be caught seen as some sort of giant insect, multi-limbed eldritch horror, or freaky hybrid abomination. rachel on the other hand found some of the forms interesting.

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Nesting Season pt3

Ushered back to her quarters by a soldier, alexia finds herself alone in her and paul's quarters, well, alone except for her multi-limbed friend.

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Episode 5 - Zip Lightning and the Alien King

Could this multi-limbed medium be telling the truth or has he been chewing one too many alien mushrooms? will they really be able to escape the jungle moon? why does every lizard in this universe have two dongs?!?

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A Long Weekend - Part One

Albeit a bigger, more multi-limbed, decidedly more intersexed version of himself. "yes. _yes_!"

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 25 - Past Mistakes

Mhmm that multi-limbed alien thing..." okay, now that was really new. "multi-what what now?" "what did you call him, four-arms?" the plant continued to lick the purple markings as if she could get them off.

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