An Unexpected Adventure [COM]

"Goddamn, was this ever a good find!" Yolk exclaimed, shutting the front door behind him with a foot before slipping out of his sneakers. The blue-furred monkey was positively giddy with excitement at picking up the leather-bound book that he was...

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Exponential Growth Ch. 2 [COM]

Another long day had come to a close, and Nathan is settling in for bed. By all accounts today was a success - hot only had he somehow gotten a ton of his garden chores done in just this week, he also got to know his hunky neighbour a bit better! That...

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Fast-paced with lots of tf including plush and pet, reality shifting, age changes, family/sibling tf and more.

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My roommate Ed and I were on a routine trip to the pet store, picking up food for our rescued German shepherd, Albrecht. We picked him up a few months ago from a shelter that was going out of business and he was too good to pass up! He was the only dog...

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Instant Mommy: A Lesson In Reproduction (DIRTY)

The world outside was still a mystery to him after all that had happened inside that room but randal felt like geffa's almighty power and reality shifting was going to consume him. he stood up, "i guess i can go now."

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Stuffed with Love: Chapter 3

Flux started to slowly wake up once more, feeling a few of his plushies in his arms and instinctively squeezing them tighter to him as he gradually came to consciousness. He'd had a wonderful dream, but he probably needed to get up by now. A few huffs...

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A Love Forged Across Realities [PTRN]

The bitter taste of defeat stung Andross as his plans had been foiled once again by the meddlesome crew of team Star Fox. It didn't seem to matter what he'd come up with, every one of his schemes always seemed to end up as smoking debris that littered...

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A Love Forged Across Realities [TSR]

Their size, however, meant that clothing already contoured around their delicious bulk normally, which then made it all feel skin-tight when drenched in sweat like that. It took a herculean amount of effort for Fox to even peel his shirt from his...

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Working out some confidence

# Working out some confidence By all means, I'm not a hot guy, nor I'll ever be: I'm too skinny, not enough muscle on me, not enough charisma to get a girl, or a guy, and not enough guts to even ask either one out. I'm tall yes, but with nothing on my...

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Thievius Realitus [TSR]

Tennessee didn't think he'd get as lucky as he did, figuring that the modern thief would've just left after helping him out. It had him silently wishing that wasn't the case with how much he stole peeks of the other man's muscled glutes when following...

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Omnipocalypse: Reign of Rats, Chapter 1

Omnipocalypse Reign of Rats I By Von Krieger Some predicted the world would end in fire, others in ice, yet more believed the world would be swallowed by void, or consumed by zombies, invaded by aliens. In the end? It turns...

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Goofin' Good Dogs

This story was a commission for [![clockworker]( "clockworker") clockworker]( featuring their characters! The thumbnail pic was done...

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