Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 2
But what kovak and levi didn't know about was the rpg team stationed in a slit trench twenty yards to the left of the border post.
Battle For Atlanta
"rpg!" i heard winters' voice yell out. a loud explosion followed, the apartment building to our two o'clock being struck. "take cover!" i yelled out, diving behind a low lying wall with my weapon ready.
Not According to Plan (A2,B3,C8)
With no time to react at the incoming rpg, reno threw his hands up in an instinctive posture of defense. the incoming rpg changed course dramatically and moved away. it exploded in the distance somewhere behind the chevelle. "what the...?"
Hellhounds: Control of Unstable (Part 1)
"rpg! rpg!" i almost shat myself when i heard those three letters, three letters that could strike fear into any soldier, no matter how big or small.
Ch. 2 welcome to hells corner
There was little talk as the truck got steadily closer to the sounds of gunfire and sreaming. suddenly a voice yelled out" rpg!"
From the Desk of Ms. Bellington 9: A Day at the Con
The Desk of Ms. Bellington 9. A Day at the Con Wednesday September, 3 > _"There are conventions, then there is the great and commercially powerful UniverMax_. UniverMax is one of the world's foremost powerful of conventions. Where all people...
Games list as of 5/20/2014
Maker 2 rpg maker 3 samurai warriors samurai warriors 2 samurai warriors 2: empires seven samurai 20xx shadow hearts shadow hearts 2 shadow of colossus shifters shinobi sly cooper sly cooper 2: band of thieves sly cooper 3: honor
After Armageddon Chapter 5
I stuff two rpg shells into my jacket. finally loaded up for the battle ahead i chamber the first round in my assault rifle and my machine gun. i strap the rpg and the sniper onto my back. i look at james and will.
He quickly dismounted the jeep as there was a rpg rocket headed in his direction. the blast singed his fur and threw him five feet, and into his trusty old m14.
Bioshock, Origins of a cyborg wolf, part 2
Taking aim, i launch the rpg, blowing a hole in the gate and rush through. i then proceed to unsling both lmg's and start to unload on the personnel that showed up.
Bioshock, Origins of a cyborg wolf, part 2
I had a single rpg for the main gate and several rounds for a pair of lmg's. aside from them i had a pair of pistols and my ax, the later i attached to the slots in my back as well as a mask that had been created for me.
Nume Undies: Character Creation
Ted stumbles across an ad for nume undies' new rpg line after a raid. he orders a set for himself and his homemates for some silly role playing fun. but when the new underwear arrives, the trio finds they have gotten more than they expected.