Naughty Night Shift
Night shifts were always a pain in the butt, and skewered his sleeping patterns to a degree. he might have to pop a sleeping pill to get back to the rhythm once his series of night shifts was over and he would be doing days again.
Felicity - Shift Work
I should have waited for your shift, or at least your break. i just... was really feeling it tonight."
Richter - Shifting Allegiance
**shifting allegiance** written by: skabaard he was cold...
Second Shift- Shock
Nbsp; \* \* second shift
First Shift- Impetus
I growl, walking towards him, my body snapping and shifting with every step i take. "you know, i would start with that one boy that was with you. the one who was walking with you?
Midnight shift for Aftab
At 23:00, Aftab Sheng completed his inspection. Every length of rope was checked, each of the 8 windings in each noose inspected to make sure the knot tied by his purple-scaled hands was true and ready, each plank of the gallows tested under his bare...
Shifted Chapter 4
Every time a big shift happened, jill's understanding of the threads and the influence of the shifts on them deepened. it was almost like finally seeing something thought to be flat in true three dimensions for the first time.
Shifted Chapter 1
And the world shifted. \*\*\*\* jack slater woke up to find he had turned into a girl. obviously this came as a rather rude shock.
Under the Shifting Wastelands
Prologue Athena checked the chronometer at the bottom of her visor for the tenth time since her disembarkation from the dropship thirty minutes ago. It read 0535. "He's late." She whispered silently to herself to convey her annoyance. Her...
Shifting Towards the Present
She whined at the new sensation, member twitching as she panted and shifted her weight from foot to foot.
Shifted Chapter 3
The key of what she had just done was that jill was not just accessing and shifting to a world where the thing she was holding was a pencil, but shifting to a world where detective lance _knew_ that it _had been_ a pencil.
Shifting [TF / Werewolves]
"shifting." "that'll be $31.23. cash or card?" the cashier asked. "oh, gosh, card. debit card." the young woman answered.