Commission: Switching places.
She found the slot for the tapes, and decided to hide the baby tape. just as she was about to stick the baby tape into the tape slot, she got an idea. smiling to herself, she found the "classical" tape.
the ram master part 2
I pulled out the object and found it was one of those small video tapes. i wondered what was going on, why was there a video tape in the pocket of my jacket? i looked the tape over, the only marking on it was a phone number.
A Dragon for Christmas Part Four: Home Sweet Home
He tried to sit up, but noticed that his hands were tied behind his back with duct tape. he attempted to scratch at them with his claws, but they couldn't reach the tape. he looked down to see his feet were also tied with tape.
Day 27 - Recording
Cotton said, making sure his riolu boyfriend was wearing the headset before carefully lifting a tape with his sylveon ribbons and slotting it into his video player. "which tape am i watching first?"
Astral Power Chapter 1
He wondered just why the hell the tower would have tapes with monsters recorded onto them, but as he looked more at the tape, he began to think more about it.
Raptor Poof
She laid down, undid the diaper's tabs and removed the tape wrapped around her tail. she swore and hissed as the tape stuck to her hands. nevertheless, she managed to get the soiled diaper off and wipe her cloaca.
The First Time
Caitlin selected a tape with a series of cartoons she particularly enjoyed; though, for different reasons than were probably intended. the tape was one that she watched many times in private.
Lonely Oak Chapter 113 - A-Tisket, A-Tasket
We just wanna take a piece of masking tape," she picked at the reel, peeling a half-inch of tape away, tearing it. "and tape the end in the middle, like this." she set the end across the middle, and taped it down, pressing the tape to smooth it.
Quiche's Conquest
Quiche pulled out a roll of black tape and a leash, and dropped them to the ground between her legs. "gag yourself with the tape, and hook that leash to your collar." "...yes, master," she sighed, her tears slowing down.
Abducted and Abused-Comm
Duct-tape) refused to give.
Pokebrothel 10
"i guess you do have a tape of the party then. you just don't want to share it," the rattata assumed. "i do have a tape but you aren't going to see it.
A Vengeful Action
As he put the knife in his pocket, he made his way throughout the home and as he came to one of the bedrooms he opened the door and discovered the parents, as he grabbed some tape he stalked the sleeping parents and began to go to work, taping both