Dance of Swords

However, blood oaths are more binding than simple words. thus, all the blood goes for ritual rather than for my own enjoyment. 5) what about your kitsune series? i received an e-mail from a reader asking me that question.

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 23

A blood oath!" he turned to the container by him and a small door on it lifted open. "not my blood, but the blood of traitors and failures, for it must be spilled so that the true and worthy can survive!"

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 40: The Moment of Collision, Falx Vs. Samiake in Fur Dreams City!

" bloody oath, mate!" tucker said and let out a small chuckle. "no really... i can't understand you half of the time..." ant said. "oh look, mate. a blue! beauty, i was bored shitless, you know." tucker said and pointed at samiake. "hm? a blue?"

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Eragon - Saphira's Little Discovery

Don't you remember the blood-oath celebration? did you see the elves that had transformed their bodies to be physically closer to the animals they loved? sometimes, it wasn't just what you could see that they changed."

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Antithesis, Knowledge and Discovery

A week had passed since the nightmare and her knight's blood oath, and she had found the entire world becoming more and more ominous by the day. it was like a dark cloud on the horizon, always there, always threatening.

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The Sorcerer And The Fighter: Ch.1 The Meeting

You may take that as my blood oath. in doing so, i shall show your daughter the world. i already have a portal stone prepared to take as far as the city of the magi. from there we'll likely head south down the coast and then east."

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My Human Kuni - Chapter 5

"oh believe me, if you meant what you said, then you'll be doing 'it' with me again very soon, but if you mean taking the blood oath again then no you don't have to do that again." i giggled.

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Illian: Forgotten Sorrows

Quietly, as to not disturb the newborn kitten and its mother, markus donned his black pants, vest and blood oath pendant. once he was ready, markus used his wolfish grace to lightly tread upon grainy sand.

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2

He was the god to which his kind would swear blood oaths too when the unspeakable came to pass and they would hunt down their own kind to save many.

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The Harem of Ice Chapter 1 - Haku Yuki

I do this of my own choice not for any personal gain or with any ulterior motives. " emira was almost shocked he so willingly made his pledge signed and sealed not only by his word as a dragon but sealed by his blood oath. " i accept and humbly offer you my

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 39

A promise to them is a blood oath. most others don't deal with the cresselia very often due to this." "and you know this how?" "i've had to speak with them before, on numerous occasions." kyogre responded.

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Let Slip the Hounds of War: Part VI

My hand bleeding slightly from the blood oath i just swore to his unconscious body. natasha was on the opposite end of the room out cold in the chair.

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