Helluva Standoff

Moxxie couldn't hear what was being said but he could identify they were bickering; these "hitmen" weren't united in the slightest. faster than one can say "oh millie", moxxie got out of cover, raised his two pistols and started shooting randomly.

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Chapter 1 - Valley of Broken Dreams

"while you two bicker away, i'll talk to him," said the third voice but the first and second voice weren't listening. "i am valkyn, the one that is negative is belkyn and the last is grace.

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Mew's Christmas Carol

The bickering went on as mew deeply sighed however, she did not feel the usual instinct to hide rather, watching the chemistry between these three filled her up with what she would later identify as "glee"!

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Costumes From the Catalogue

As the three began to bicker at one another the last member of their group whistled to them, val getting their attention and telling them that he may have a solution.

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One Machine to Top Them All [18+]

A slumping booby bickered. "i do!" reynold answered. "defined in the words of the bottom barn manifesto--subsection-e, paragraph nine..."

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Healing A Doctor Chapter 10

"because you deserve to get flipped off," louise replied mel shook his head at the two's bickering and drove on, soon leaving the square. no words were said as the humvee drove towards the clinic, except for harry and louise's bickering.

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Highschool Life Chapter 7: To Save a Friend

"that makes me more worried, actually," varu nervously smiles as tabitha and riese bickers about riese's plans. i stand beside varu, watching the duo stretch each other's cheeks as they continue their bickering. i smile at the sight and think about ken.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Book 5 (part 3 of 13)

We can go back to bickering tomorrow if you want, but i need to be by his mother's side. and lars saw the jackal's face soften. "i will watch and bless the child. if you try anything, i will stop you."

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Housepets: Curse of the Werenut

As the two friends bickered, they were entirely unaware that they were being watched from high above.  hovering in the air, hidden amongst the dark clouds, was the gryphon, pete.  to his right was his friend and nemesis, dragon.

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Character Profile: Wolfred

As his days pass by, he sees it worthy of an adversary of tiger, with the two bickering and brawling seemingly each chance they do as much as see each other.

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Everyone's A Critic

Unlike the constant bickering between amelia and vanessa, which consisted mainly of profanities, sarcasm and a completely insignificant disagreement dwarfed by the sheer love of arguing both women seemed to possess, the logic and calm of charlie's arguments

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“Premonition” - The Day Of

Any conversation about his residence would be a dangerous one, so he learned to bicker, insult and dance to survive. a handle rattles furiously as muffled sobs and a sliding friction are held against the door to the bedroom.

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