Taking a Nap (Illustrated)
A commission story for poesraven written by picklessauce69 based on an illustration ("a pleasant way to wake up" - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13513671/) commissioned by poesraven and done by keedot (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/keedot).
Wild Swim (Illustrated)
Wild Swim "We should go out." Amy said to me as I laid there, sprawled out on my bed with a book in my hands. I twisted about as best I could to look at the dalmatian sitting cross-legged on my butt, iPad in her hands as she looked back at me....
First Contact - Illustrated!
I'm such a sucker for illustrated stories <3 please check the story out on either weasyl, furaffinty, or my patreon to download the pdf version which includes all of the illustrations that skydon did for the story!
Door Knocker (illustrated)
Avia regained consciousness. She quickly realized that she could not move, in fact she could not budge an inch. The last thing she remembered was a bright light cast from the sorcerer's staff, he must have paralyzed her. She could feel her eyes moving...
Hitting the Showers (Illustrated)
**Hitting the Showers** Art is © Ajna Story is © LaVojeto "Forty-love, game point..." Amy called out from across the court, bouncing the ball on the ground before looking up. The golden retriever girl standing across the court from her was just as...
Lucy and Me, part 1
It was a book of illustrations on various animals, oddly titled beauty of the beast and seemingly lacking in any mention of an author or illustrator.
The pdf version features an illustration by myself, visible at this link. this story was originally a submission to furaffinity's thursday prompt writing group.
Maybe This Time
The pdf version includes an illustration by [url=https://www.furaffinity.net/user/arinadler/[/url]arinadler[/url].
Of Mites and Macros - Chapter 2
To find a friend I've never met
well your wait is over here is chapter 13, there's no yiff in this one but it really fits in with this part of the story Enjoy Chapter 13 To find a friend I've never met * * * We stepped out of the shower area; I left my...
Comfort (Illustrated (2 Images) by WhiteMantis)
**comfort: a matter of metamorphosis mentoring ~&~ marine matchmaking - by amethystine illustrations by whitemantis** - nayana was much more comfortable than she thought she would be, floating waist-deep there in the water, in a brand
Walk in the Hypno-Park
Walk in the Hypno-Park For Togswitch By Draconicon "Why did I agree to this?" "Because I'm that good, my dear. Now keep watching the swaying collar..." The panther groaned, but followed her orders. Not that Damian had a whole lot of...