Dragon's pride 16
"argoon dragon's poison is lethal to dragons, if they use it properly. get up."
The Last Dream - Chapter 1 / 2
The last Dream She was sitting on a bench in the park. Her long hair laid all over her back and flew a bit in the wind. Her black jacket smoothed around her thin frame perfectly. It was autumn, the most romantic season of the year. Rose was more...
A Last Chance
The poison seeped into chance's body and he felt the pain of a thousand burning fires as he died.
A Commission Furry Failure
The worst part was the toxic poison that swelled and inflamed that already massive clit. the owner, however, was not showing any signs of sympathy.
A Lesson in Chemistry: Chapter I [Collab]
"shit - i was hopin' i'd die doin' somethin' cool, not because i got poisoned by some dork." she grumbles. "o-oh! no, no, you won't die." toki assures her.
To Rule the Future
"you fought...with poison." "yes. and?" "that...that wasn't fighting...that was cheating..." the poison was definitely working a bit slower than he'd expected.
Learning to Love the Void
Aubrey: he didn't poison you, did he? --\> i mean kind of??? i'm getting to that part.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 7: Dark Machinations (The Ram’s Decision)
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 7 Dark Machinations (The Ram's Decision)** Day 3 continued Before we drifted off to sleep my seductress had some questions for me. "I am quite surprised you didn't try to escape during our intimacy." Lady Ursa...
Halloween 2013: Part 3
Forced to scrunch his eyes closed as he was dunked under the thick slime the poison-bunny flailed and pushed up.
Pine Mountain Hospital Part One
On a cold late autumn afternoon a little blue Honda makes its way down a lonely country road. The two occupants, Chrysanthemum "Chrisi" Porter and Scott Ryeman, both skunks, head home for a much deserved break after an intense week of finals. They...
Breakout 2
"you want me to poison someone?" "oh, please, i know you're not an assassin, karra. its just a little something to make them loosen their tongue a little, not that you won't appreciate that.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 10 Part 2 of 2
"those that live by poison, die by poison," she said softly. he wasn't a medical expert, but he was hoping that she'd pull through. pulling his spoon from his pocket, he placed it in her mouth and tapped it lightly.